WSO2 esb 作为具有故障转移传输超时的 jms 生产者

WSO2 esb as a jms producer with failover transport timeout

使用 wso2 esb 4.9.0,我想要一个 HTTP api 在 JMS 队列 (activemq) 中推送消息。 jms 发送应该使用故障转移,但是如果 none 个 activemq 代理可用,它应该在超时后执行故障序列(例如 15 秒)(在故障序列中,应该将 http 响应发送到原始客户端带有 http 错误代码 500 和 JSON 主体)

我尝试将以下 url 用于我的 activemq 连接工厂:

<parameter name="java.naming.provider.url" locked="false">failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?timeout=3000</parameter>

我也尝试在我的 api.xml 中的 uri 中设置超时参数(省略其他参数):

        <address uri="jms:/MyQueue?java.naming.provider.url=failover:(tcp://localhost:616161)?timeout=3000"/>

当我杀死所有 activemq 代理时,我的 api 仍然无限期阻塞:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' -k "https://localhost:8243/myApi/send"
^C # I have to kill it manually; instead it should return an error

如何使用 wso2 esb 实现它?

有关超时参数的文档,请参阅 activemq 故障转移传输参考:


Under the Failover transport send operations will, by default, block indefinitely when the broker becomes unavailable. There are two options available for handling this scenario. First, either set a TransportListener directly on the ActiveMQConnectionFactory, so that it is in place before any request that may require a network hop or second, set the timeout option. The timeout option causes the current send operation to fail after the specified timeout.



In this example if the connection isn't established the send operation will timeout after 3 seconds. It is important to note that the connection is not killed when a timeout occurs. It is possible, therefore, to resend the affected message(s) later using the same connection once a broker becomes available.

尝试使用 <property name="ClientApiNonBlocking" action="remove" scope="axis2"/> 在发送中介之前。

在我的例子中,这是一个连接创建,因此设置 startupMaxReconnectAttempts=X 允许我在多次重新连接尝试后 "timeout"。使用默认设置(指数退避),X=10 的值在大约 5 秒后超时。所以我用了

<address uri="jms:/MyQueue?java.naming.provider.url=failover:(tcp://localhost:616161)?startupMaxReconnectAttempts=10"/>