Azure Iothub-Explorer 时代错误?
Azure Iothub-Explorer epoch error?
我正在尝试查看通过 iothub-explorer 从我的 esp8266 模块发送的消息,但我收到以下错误。
iothub-explorer monitor-events DeviceID --login ";SharedAccessKeyName=key;SharedAccessKey=asdfsdfsdfasdfsdf="
Error: At least one receiver for the endpoint is created with epoch of '3', and so non-epoch receiver is not allowed. Either reconnect with a higher epoch, or make sure all epoch receivers are closed or disconnected.
您可以为 IoT Hub 资源管理器添加一个消费者组,以接收 esp8266 发送的事件。在 Azure 门户中,您可以这样做:
在您的命令中使用 --consumer-group
iothub-explorer monitor-events myFirstDevice --consumer-group ReceiveEsp8266Events --login "HostName=xxxx"
我正在尝试查看通过 iothub-explorer 从我的 esp8266 模块发送的消息,但我收到以下错误。
iothub-explorer monitor-events DeviceID --login ";SharedAccessKeyName=key;SharedAccessKey=asdfsdfsdfasdfsdf="
Error: At least one receiver for the endpoint is created with epoch of '3', and so non-epoch receiver is not allowed. Either reconnect with a higher epoch, or make sure all epoch receivers are closed or disconnected.
您可以为 IoT Hub 资源管理器添加一个消费者组,以接收 esp8266 发送的事件。在 Azure 门户中,您可以这样做:
在您的命令中使用 --consumer-group
iothub-explorer monitor-events myFirstDevice --consumer-group ReceiveEsp8266Events --login "HostName=xxxx"