How to use ortools to solve quadratic programming in Python?
例如,如何在 Python 中通过 ortools 简单地找到 (x-1)^2 的最小值?
Google OR-Tools 不支持二次规划。 This page 包含它支持的列表:
Google Optimization Tools (OR-Tools) is a fast and portable software suite for solving combinatorial optimization problems. The suite contains:
A constraint programming solver.
A simple and unified interface to several linear programming and mixed integer programming solvers, including CBC, CLP, GLOP, GLPK, Gurobi, CPLEX, and SCIP.
Graph algorithms (shortest paths, min cost flow, max flow, linear sum assignment).
Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem and Vehicle Routing Problem.
Bin packing and knapsack algorithms.
以下link阐明了混合整数规划 (MIP) 支持不包括二次 MIP (MIQP):
您可以查看此资源以了解如何在 Python 中进行 QP:
例如,如何在 Python 中通过 ortools 简单地找到 (x-1)^2 的最小值?
Google OR-Tools 不支持二次规划。 This page 包含它支持的列表:
Google Optimization Tools (OR-Tools) is a fast and portable software suite for solving combinatorial optimization problems. The suite contains:
A constraint programming solver.
A simple and unified interface to several linear programming and mixed integer programming solvers, including CBC, CLP, GLOP, GLPK, Gurobi, CPLEX, and SCIP.
Graph algorithms (shortest paths, min cost flow, max flow, linear sum assignment).
Algorithms for the Traveling Salesman Problem and Vehicle Routing Problem. Bin packing and knapsack algorithms.
以下link阐明了混合整数规划 (MIP) 支持不包括二次 MIP (MIQP): https://github.com/google/or-tools/issues/598
您可以查看此资源以了解如何在 Python 中进行 QP: https://scaron.info/blog/quadratic-programming-in-python.html