AppCompat 问题

Issue with AppCompat

AppCompat 和其他工具(日期、过渡等)在调色板中不可见。我怎样才能让它们出现在我的调色板中?

我是 Android Studio 的新手,所以请帮助我。这是我的调色板的屏幕截图:

基于 this Android Studio doc, the palette has been redesigned in Android 3.1. Also, this 文章陈述如下:

The Layout Editor has had some minor changes to the organization of the pallete and this could be a bigger problem. The reorganization may cause some temporary problems finding widgets that you used to know the location of, but this soon passes. More important is the apparent fact that some of you old favorites might well be missing. There is a new "Legacy" section and the "Advanced" section has gone. Along with it the NumberPicker, DataPicker, TimePicker, TextClock, Chronometer and, as far as I can see, the Transistions category has gone completely along with all its widgets.


If you rely on any of the missing Widgets the my advice is don't upgrade until a workaround has been made available. There is no word from the Android Studio team as to why these widgets have been removed and no word on how to put them back.