MediatR 何时以及为何我应该使用它?

MediatR when and why I should use it?

之前可能有人问过,但我什至在官方网站上也找不到我为什么要使用 MediatR 以及它解决了什么问题?



Is it because I can pass a single object in my constructor rather than a multitude of Interfaces?


Is it a replacement or competitor of ServicesBus etc...


Basically what are the benefit and what problem does it solve

除其他外,MediatR 试图解决的问题之一是 MVC 中的 DI 构造函数爆炸 控制器

public DashboardController(
    ICustomerRepository customerRepository,
    IOrderService orderService,
    ICustomerHistoryRepository historyRepository,
    IOrderRepository orderRepository,
    IProductRespoitory productRespoitory,
    IRelatedProductsRepository relatedProductsRepository,
    ISupportService supportService,
    ILog logger


How to avoid Dependency Injection constructor madness?


老实说,MediatR 网站上给出的示例问题和解决方案有点令人怀疑,但是它确实有其用途 .简而言之,您需要选择适合您和您的环境的内容。




Simplifying Development and Separating Concerns with MediatR

MediatR is an open source implementation of the mediator pattern that doesn’t try to do too much and performs no magic. It allows you to compose messages, create and listen for events using synchronous or asynchronous patterns. It helps to reduce coupling and isolate the concerns of requesting the work to be done and creating the handler that dispatches the work.


Can you in your own opinion describe why would you use it

调解器模式通过调解器(它是一回事)进行通信,从而帮助 decoupling 您的应用程序。

通常一个程序是由大量类组成的。但是,随着程序中添加更多 类,这些 类 之间的通信问题可能会变得更加复杂。这使得程序更难阅读和维护。此外,更改程序可能变得困难,因为任何更改都可能影响其他几个 类.




从这里开始,我认为您可能应该做更多的研究,我的意思是通常您会在研究它们之前弄清楚您需要这些东西,但是在这种情况下,我认为您真的需要找到一些好的例子来了解是否你想要中介者模式,甚至更多 MediatR


wired_in 对此有一些非常实用的评论

All MediatR does is service locate a handler for a request. That is not the mediator pattern. The "mediator" in this instance, does not describe how two objects communicate, it uses inversion of control that is already being used in an application and just provides a useless layer of abstraction that only serves to make an application harder to reason about as a whole. You already achieve decoupling by using standard constructor injection with IoC. I don't understand why people buy into this. Let's create multiple composite roots just so we don't have to put interfaces in our constructor.

The OP is completely justified in questioning the point of MediatR. The top responses I hear to the question involve explaining the use of the mediator pattern in general, or that it makes the calling code cleaner. The former explanation assumes that the MediatR library actually implements the mediator pattern, which is far from clear. The latter is not a justifcation for adding another abstraction on top of an already abstracted IoC container, which creates multiple composite roots. Just inject the handler instead of service locating it



FirstRequest // which handled by FirstRequestHandler(FirstRequest)
SecondRequest // which handled by SecondRequestHandler(SecondRequest)
ThirdRequest // which handled by ThirdRequestHandler(ThirdRequest)


然后是 ComplexRequest,此时 ComplexResponse 必须是 FirstResponse 和 ThirdResponse 的组合。


好吧,ComplexRequestHandler 必须注入 FirstHandler 和 ThirdHandler,获取它们的结果,然后组合它们。

但是为什么 ComplexRequestHandler 应该有权访问 FirstRequestHandler 接口? 为什么我们要费心将 First, Third ... OneHundredAndTwentythHandler 注入到我们的 ComplexHandler 中?

MediatR 在这种用例中为我们提供的是第三方告诉我们: "Give me a request, and I"你会得到正确的回应,相信我!

所以 ComplexHandler 对第一和第三处理程序一无所知。 它只知道所需的请求和响应(通常只是包装 DTO)。

注意:您不必为此使用 MediatR 库。您可以阅读有关中介者模式的信息并自己实现一个。