Bookshelf.js: 一对多关系设置

Bookshelf.js: one-to-many relationship setup

我将 Bookshelf 用于 MySQL 的 ORM。我有端点和组织。每个端点都属于一个组织,一个组织有很多端点。我正在尝试获取端点及其关联组织的列表。这将返回以下错误:

"A valid target model must be defined for the endpoint belongsTo relation"

这是我的 fetchAll 请求:

            .where('organization_id', req.user.attributes.organization_id)
            .fetchAll({require: true,withRelated: ['settings', 'organization']})
            .then((endpoints) => {
                ReS(res, {
                }, 200);


'use strict';

const bookshelf = require('../config/bookshelf_instance');
const Organization = require('./organization');
const Settings = require('./endpoint_settings');
const Group = require('./endpoint_group');

module.exports = bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'endpoint',
    organization () {
        return this.belongsTo(Organization, 'id');
    settings () {
        return this.hasOne(Settings, 'id');
    group () {
        return this.belongsToMany(Group, 'map_endpoint_endpoint_group');


'use strict';

const bookshelf = require('../config/bookshelf_instance');
const Endpoint = require('./endpoint');
const User = require('./user');
const Group = require('./endpoint_group');

module.exports = bookshelf.Model.extend({
    tableName: 'organization',
    endpoints () {
        return this.hasMany(Endpoint, 'organization_id');
    users () {
        return this.hasMany(User, 'organization_id');
    groups () {
        return this.hasMany(Group, 'organization_id');

您应该从端点模型的关系规范中删除 id,因为它似乎是主键,而不是外键。默认情况下,外键也是 organization_id,这就是您想要的。它应该匹配你在相反关系中的内容(在这种情况下为 hasMany)。

根据文档,belongsTo 的第二个参数是:

ForeignKey in this model. By default, the foreignKey is assumed to be the singular form of the Target model's tableName, followed by _id.
