
Add a double quote to a string if it doesn't start with a double quote


1,a,"some strings in a pair of double quotes"
2,b,"more strings in a pair of double quotes"
3,c,some messy strings with only right half double quotes"
4.d,"more strings in a pair of double quotes"

我尝试将 awk 与 sed 结合使用,将缺少的左双引号添加到第 3 行:

function addQuote(input) {
 return '"' + input

  if (~/^"/) s = 
  else s = addQuote()

  print ,,s

addQuote 功能似乎不起作用,但我不知道如何修复它。

我知道在 sed 中我可以通过 sed 's/^/"/' line 轻松地在行首添加双引号,但我不知道如何使它与 [=15= 一起工作]. 请帮忙。谢谢!

关注 awk 可能会对您有所帮助。

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}  !~ /^"/{="\"" } 1'  Input_file

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {= !~ /^"/?"\"" :} 1'  Input_file

编辑: 根据 Jonathan 先生在评论部分的评论添加以下代码,现在将处理 3 个案例,它应该添加 " 是不是完全在第 3 个字段上,它也会在字段的最后或字段的开头添加 "

假设我们有以下 Input_file:

cat Input_file
1,a,"some strings in a pair of double quotes"
2,b,"more strings in a pair of double quotes"
3,c,some messy strings with only right half double quotes"
4,d,"more strings in a pair of double quotes
4,d,more strings in a pair of double

现在以下代码可能涵盖此处提到的所有 3 个 permutations/combinations:

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {= !~ /\"/?"\""  "\"":( !~ /^\"/?"\"" :( !~ /\"$/? "\"":))} 1'  Input_file
1,a,"some strings in a pair of double quotes"
2,b,"more strings in a pair of double quotes"
3,c,"some messy strings with only right half double quotes"
4,d,"more strings in a pair of double quotes"
4,d,"more strings in a pair of double"

您的 addQuote() 函数存在的问题:

function addQuote(input) {
 return '"' + input


  1. 字符串分隔符是 ",而不是 ',因此您应该使用 "\"" 而不是 '"'
  2. + 是 awk 中的算术运算符,因此 "\"" + input 告诉 awk 将 "\""input 的内容转换为数字,然后将它们相加。您想要的是连接,awk 中没有特定的运算符 - 两个并排的字符串 are 连接在一起,例如``"\"" 输入`.


function addQuote(input) {
 return ("\"" input)


话虽如此,这可能是一种更好的方法,因为它涵盖了前面 and/or 后面缺少的引号,并确保重新编译每一行,这在您更改 OFS 值时很重要:借用来自@RavinderSing13 答案的输入:

$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {gsub(/^"|"$/,"",); ="\""  "\""} 1' file
1,a,"some strings in a pair of double quotes"
2,b,"more strings in a pair of double quotes"
3,c,"some messy strings with only right half double quotes"
4,d,"more strings in a pair of double quotes"
4,d,"more strings in a pair of double"