存储过程获取最后插入的行 python mysql 连接器

stored procedure get last inserted row python mysql connector

我正在通过存储过程插入数据,并试图获取最后插入的 ID。正在插入数据。但是当我尝试 return 最后一个 ID 时,我得到 none 或 0。由于数据复制,我手动设置了 id 字段。不确定我错过了什么。

 params ='Josh'
 last_id = mysql_conn.insert_proc(query, params)
 prints none

 class to insert data
 def insert_proc(self,query,params):
    self.curr.callproc(query, params)
    return self.curr

 stored procedure      
 CREATE DEFINER=`me`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `insert_data`(v_name varchar(10))
 SET @max_id = (select max(id)+1 from table);

    insert into table (id,name)values(@max_id,v_name);

    select @max_id;

我对 Python 不是很熟悉,但根据 MySQL 文档 here:

Result sets produced by the stored procedure are automatically fetched and stored as MySQLCursorBuffered instances. For more information about using these result sets, see stored_results().

"see stored_results()" 导致代码示例在 cursor.stored_results().
