为 Haystack 模板指定备用路径

Specifying an alternate path for a Haystack template

The Haystack documentation states that:

Additionally, we’re providing use_template=True on the text field. This allows us to use a data template (rather than error-prone concatenation) to build the document the search engine will index. You’ll need to create a new template inside your template directory called search/indexes/myapp/note_text.txt


是否可以指定 haystack 文档模板的路径?


Its listed under the SearchField API documentation,这是搜索索引中实际字段的超类。


Allows you to override the name of the template to use when preparing data. By default, the data templates for fields are located within your TEMPLATE_DIRS under a path like search/indexes/{app_label}/{model_name}_{field_name}.txt. This option lets you override that path (though still within TEMPLATE_DIRS).


bio = CharField(use_template=True, template_name='myapp/data/bio.txt')

You can also provide a list of templates, as loader.select_template is used under the hood.


bio = CharField(use_template=True, template_name=['myapp/data/bio.txt', 'myapp/bio.txt', 'bio.txt'])