
how can i email the contents of a shopping cart back to the web moderator


foreach($_SESSION['shoppingCart'] as $key => $product)
            if (isset($_POST['checkout']))
            $result = $this->qry("SELECT * FROM product WHERE Item_num=?", array($product['ID']));
            foreach ($result as $row)
                echo '<tr>';
                    echo '<td>'.$row['Name'].'</td>';
                    echo '<td>'.$product['Quantity'].'</td>';
                    echo '<td>'.$row['Price'].'</td>';
                    echo '<td>$'.number_format($product['Quantity'] * $row['Price'], 2).'</td>';
                    echo '<td><form method="POST">
                        <button type="submit" name="removeFromCart" value="'.$product['ID'].'">
                echo '</tr>';
                $total = $total + ($product['Quantity'] * $row['Price']);
                $price= $row['Price'];
                $lprice= $product['Quantity'] * $row['Price'];
                $quan= $product['Quantity'];
                    $name = $row['Name'];
                    $quantity = $product['Quantity'];

                    $to = 'ms245@zips.uakron.edu';
                    $subject = 'order from fatfish aquatic website';

                        $message = "<html><body>";
                        $message .= "<table>";
                        $message .= "<th>Name</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Price</th> <th> line total</th>";

                        $message .= "<tr style='background: #eee;'><td>'.$name.'</td><td>'.$quan.'</td><td>'.$price.'</td><td>'.$lprice.'</td></tr>";

                        $message .="123";
                    $message .= "</table>";
                    $message .= $total;
                    $message .= $row['Name'];
                    $message .= 'shipping address <br>';
                    $message .= 'phone number <br>';

                $message .= 'email<br>';
                        $message .= "</body></html>";
                        $headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
                        $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
                        $headers .= "From: ms245@zips.uakron.edu\r\n"."X-Mailer: php";

                            mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);



试试这个,我已经重构了代码,这样您的 mail 调用就可以在您遍历购物车并收集订单项详细信息后进行。我不清楚为什么你会在代码中的这个时刻回显 "remove product" 表格——如果你正在制作和发送订单详细信息的最后一封电子邮件,那么订单一定已经下好了,对吧?您将需要重新考虑这方面的问题,但是我已经演示了如何重构您的电子邮件消息构建代码以获得您所要求的内容。

if (!empty($_POST['checkout'])) {

    // initialise message
    $message = "<html><body>";
    $message .= "<table>";
    $message .= "<th>Name</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Price</th><th>line total</th>";

    foreach ($_SESSION['shoppingCart'] as $key => $product) {
        $result = $this->qry("SELECT * FROM product WHERE Item_num = ?", array($product['ID']));
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            // line item details added to message
            $name = $row['Name'];
            $quantity = $product['Quantity'];
            $price = $row['Price'];
            $lprice = $quantity * $price;
            $total += $lprice;
            $totalFormatted = number_format($total, 2);
            $message .= "<tr style='background: #eee;'><td>'.$name.'</td><td>'.$quantity.'</td><td>'.$price.'</td><td>'.$lprice.'</td></tr>";
            $message .= "123";
            $message .= $name;

    // finalise message
    $message .= "</table>";
    $message .= "<p id='checkout-summary'>";
    $message .= "total: &#36;{$totalFormatted} <br>";
    $message .= 'shipping address <br>';
    $message .= 'phone number <br>';
    $message .= 'email<br>';
    $message .= "</p>";
    $message .= "</body></html>";

    $to = 'ms245@zips.uakron.edu';
    $subject = 'order from fatfish aquatic website';
    $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
    $headers .= "From: ms245@zips.uakron.edu\r\n" . "X-Mailer: php";

    mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
