
Partition Count override

从这里 https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/blob/master/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/stream/binder/kafka/KafkaMessageChannelBinder.java 看来不可能,但还是要问一下,以防我错过了。





请注意 reference guide 中为此 属性 描述的先决条件。


"The Kafka binder uses the partitionCount setting of the producer as a hint to create a topic with the given partition count (in conjunction with the minPartitionCount, the maximum of the two being the value being used). Exercise caution when configuring both minPartitionCount for a binder and partitionCount for an application, as the larger value is used. If a topic already exists with a smaller partition count and autoAddPartitions is disabled (the default), the binder fails to start. If a topic already exists with a smaller partition count and autoAddPartitions is enabled, new partitions are added. If a topic already exists with a larger number of partitions than the maximum of (minPartitionCount or partitionCount), the existing partition count is used."

至于 SCDF,您可以从 Shell 或 UI 为 App 覆盖此 属性。如果您希望将其全局应用于所有 Stream 应用程序,那也是可能的 - 请参阅 here.