服务现在公告 500 (Internal Server Error)

Service now announcement 500 (Internal Server Error)



https://ven01234.service-now.com/api/now/sp/announcement 500 (Internal Server Error)

此错误表示您的页面无法正常工作! 当您转到此页面时是否看到错误?

为了消除此控制台错误 - 转到 SN 实例上的插件并搜索服务门户公告插件(ID - com.glide.service-portal.announcements)。激活它后 - 不再抛出控制台错误。

this link


Resolution There is an empty value on display style field for the announcement "ISC:Invalid Run As User".

Open the announcement "ISC:Invalid Run As User" which has a valid to date is either today or after.

The value for the display style filed is seems to be empty in the form but if you check in the xml it has a value of sys id "7f8fe758c31023002ff2554d81d3ae99" which does not exist.


Change this value and add a value from the search; Then save it; Then delete the value again; Save it again; With that you are removing the invalid reference for "<display_style/>" from the xml. Basically you assign a valid value to Display style field, save it, then remove it, save it and the invalid reference is gone. Do this for every "ISC:Invalid Run As User" from the list


  1. 现在服务中(后台)-搜索公告-(服务入口->公告)
  2. 在“名称”栏中搜索“ISC:无效 运行 作为用户”
  3. 对于名称为“ISC:Invalid 运行 As User”的每条记录,执行下一步。

请注意空的“显示样式”字段旁边有一个 (i) 按钮 - 这意味着有一些引用在我们的例子中是无效的,应该从 xml 字段中删除 - “display_style"

显示样式字段的值在表单中似乎是空的,但如果您在 xml 中签入,它的系统 ID 值“7f8fe758c31023002ff2554d81d3ae99”不存在。

  1. 为“显示样式”字段分配一个有效值(在我的例子中是'Normal'),保存它,然后删除它,保存它,无效的引用就消失了。 对“公告”列表中的每个“ISC:无效 运行 作为用户”执行此操作

