Perl 根据模式从字符串矩阵中删除字符
Perl remove characters from string matrix according to pattern
我有多个长度相同的字符串存储在哈希数据结构中。 示例:
$VAR1 = {
'first' => 'abcXY',
'second' => 'XYXYa',
'third' => '*abXZ'
从这 'matrix' 个字符中,我想删除仅包含字符 X
或 Y
的 'columns'。在上面的示例中,这将是每个字符串的第四个字符 (4th 'column')。
$VAR1 = {
'first' => 'abcY',
'second' => 'XYXa',
'third' => '*abZ'
# data structure
my %h = ('first'=>'abcXY', 'second'=>'XYXYa', 'third'=>'*abXZ' );
# get length of all values in hash
my $nchar = length $h{(keys(%h))[0]};
# transpose values of hash
my @transposed = map { my $idx=$_; [map {substr ($_, $idx, 1) } values(%h)] } 0..$nchar-1;
# determine indices which I want to keep
my @indices;
for my $i (0..$#transposed){
my @a = @{$transposed[$i]};
# do not keep index if column consists of X and Y
if ( scalar(grep {/X|Y/} @a) < scalar(@a) ) {
push @indices, $i;
# only keep letters with indices
for my $k (keys %h){
my $str = $h{$k};
my $reduced = join "", map{ substr ($str, $_, 1) } @indices;
$h{$k} = $reduced;
对于如此简单的操作,代码量实在是太可怕了。我怎样才能更优雅地做到这一点(最好不要使用某些矩阵库,而是使用标准的 perl)?
这里是另一个例子:从下面的字符串中,第一个和最后一个字符应该被删除,因为在这两个字符串中,第一个和最后一个位置要么是 X
要么是 Y
$VAR1 = {
'1' => 'Xsome_strX',
'2' => 'YsomeXstrY'
$VAR1 = {
'1' => 'some_str',
'2' => 'someXstr'
my $total = values %hash;
my %ind;
for my $v (values %hash) {
$ind{ pos($v) -1 }++ while $v =~ /[XY]/g;
my @to_remove = sort {$b <=> $a} grep { $ind{$_} == $total } keys %ind;
for my $v (values %hash) {
substr($v, $_, 1, "") for @to_remove;
我有多个长度相同的字符串存储在哈希数据结构中。 示例:
$VAR1 = {
'first' => 'abcXY',
'second' => 'XYXYa',
'third' => '*abXZ'
从这 'matrix' 个字符中,我想删除仅包含字符 X
或 Y
的 'columns'。在上面的示例中,这将是每个字符串的第四个字符 (4th 'column')。
$VAR1 = {
'first' => 'abcY',
'second' => 'XYXa',
'third' => '*abZ'
# data structure
my %h = ('first'=>'abcXY', 'second'=>'XYXYa', 'third'=>'*abXZ' );
# get length of all values in hash
my $nchar = length $h{(keys(%h))[0]};
# transpose values of hash
my @transposed = map { my $idx=$_; [map {substr ($_, $idx, 1) } values(%h)] } 0..$nchar-1;
# determine indices which I want to keep
my @indices;
for my $i (0..$#transposed){
my @a = @{$transposed[$i]};
# do not keep index if column consists of X and Y
if ( scalar(grep {/X|Y/} @a) < scalar(@a) ) {
push @indices, $i;
# only keep letters with indices
for my $k (keys %h){
my $str = $h{$k};
my $reduced = join "", map{ substr ($str, $_, 1) } @indices;
$h{$k} = $reduced;
对于如此简单的操作,代码量实在是太可怕了。我怎样才能更优雅地做到这一点(最好不要使用某些矩阵库,而是使用标准的 perl)?
这里是另一个例子:从下面的字符串中,第一个和最后一个字符应该被删除,因为在这两个字符串中,第一个和最后一个位置要么是 X
要么是 Y
$VAR1 = {
'1' => 'Xsome_strX',
'2' => 'YsomeXstrY'
$VAR1 = {
'1' => 'some_str',
'2' => 'someXstr'
my $total = values %hash;
my %ind;
for my $v (values %hash) {
$ind{ pos($v) -1 }++ while $v =~ /[XY]/g;
my @to_remove = sort {$b <=> $a} grep { $ind{$_} == $total } keys %ind;
for my $v (values %hash) {
substr($v, $_, 1, "") for @to_remove;