Obfuscar SkipType 配置元素不适用于枚举

Obfuscar SkipType configuration element is not working for enums

Obfuscar SkipType 配置元素似乎不适用于枚举。这是我的最小配置文件。

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" 


    <Var name="InPath"  
value="\users\user\docs\vs2013\projects\wpfapp\wpfapp\bin\debug" />
    <Var name="OutPath" 
value="\users\user\docs\vs2013\projects\wpfapp\wpfapp\bin\debug" />

    <Module file="$(InPath)\wpfapp.exe" />

    <Var name="KeepPublicApi" value="true" />
    <Var name="HidePrivateApi" value="true" />

    <SkipType name="WpfApp.Category" skipFields="true" skipProperties="true" />



映射输出文件显示跳过无效,枚举类型 Category 已重命名。

Renamed Types:

[WpfApp]WpfApp.Category -> [WpfApp]A.a
    WpfApp.Category [WpfApp]WpfApp.Category WpfApp.Category::Low -> A
    WpfApp.Category [WpfApp]WpfApp.Category WpfApp.Category::High -> a

    System.Int32 [WpfApp]System.Int32 WpfApp.Category::value__ skipped:  special name

编辑: 元素 <SkipType name="WpfApp.Category" /> 导致同样的问题。

编辑: 元素 <SkipType name="WpfApp.Category" skipFields="true" /> 导致同样的问题。

编辑: 元素 <SkipField type="WpfApp.Category" name="*" /> 导致同样的问题。


<SkipField type="WpfApp.Category" name="Low" />

<SkipField type="WpfApp.Category" name="High" /> 导致同样的问题。


namespace WpfApp
    public enum Category { Low, High }

    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        private ViewModel ViewModel;

        public MainWindow()
            this.DataContext = this.ViewModel = new ViewModel();

        private void MyButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    internal class ViewModel : WpfNotifier
        private const float DefaultKilograms = 80.0f;

        private string _kilograms;
        public string Kilograms // WPF binds here
            get { return this._kilograms; }
            set { this._kilograms = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); }
        private string _resultText;
        public string ResultText // WPF binds here
            get { return this._resultText; }
            set { this._resultText = value; NotifyPropertyChanged(); }

        internal void Process(string input)
            float kilograms;
            if (Single.TryParse(input, out kilograms))
                Category c = (kilograms > 100.0f) ? Category.High : Category.Low;
                this.ResultText = c.ToString();
                this.Kilograms = ViewModel.DefaultKilograms.ToString();

    public class WpfNotifier : INotifyPropertyChanged
        [field: NonSerialized]
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; // public for interface

        internal void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = "")
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
                ; // it is harmless to fail to notify before the window has been loaded and rendered


你的用法是错误的。如果您检查 the documentation,您会看到 <SkipType> 标签必须放入 <Module> 标签中。否则,Obfuscar 不知道 module/assembly 这个跳过规则在哪里生效。所以你应该试试

<Module file="$(InPath)\wpfapp.exe">
    <SkipType name="WpfApp.Category" skipFields="true" skipProperties="true" />