Javascript Codewars 错误迷宫赛跑者

Javascript Maze Runner on Codewars error

我一直在努力完成代码大战,我遇到了迷宫运行ner ( 我被难住了大约 2 天!

function mazeRunner(maze, directions) {

//find start value  

var x = 0; //x position of the start point
var y = 0; //y position of the start point

for (var j = 0 ; j < maze.length ; j++){
if (maze[j].indexOf(2) != -1){
  x = j;
  y = maze[j].indexOf(2)
      } // end of starting position forloop

console.log(x + ', ' + y)

  for (var turn = 0 ; turn < directions.length ; turn++){

if (directions[turn] == "N"){
 x -= 1;
if (directions[turn] == "S"){
 x += 1;
if (directions[turn] == "E"){
 y += 1;
if (directions[turn] == "W"){
 y -= 1;

 if (maze[x][y] === 1){
 return 'Dead';
 }else if (maze[x][y] === 3){
 return 'Finish';

if (maze[x] === undefined || maze[y] === undefined){
return 'Dead';


return 'Lost';



TypeError: Cannot read property '3' of undefined
at mazeRunner
at /home/codewarrior/index.js:87:19
at /home/codewarrior/index.js:155:5
at Object.handleError




在失败的测试中,maze[x]会在某个点undefined(向南移动一段时间)。我想在同一点 y 将是 3,因此错误 Cannot read property '3' of undefined


// move this as first check
if (maze[x] === undefined || maze[y] === undefined){
  return 'Dead';