Swift 4.1 - 无法将类型 [Character] 的值转换为 [String]

Swift 4.1 - Cannot convert value of type [Character] to [String]

我的代码之前支持 Swift 3.3,现在我使用 Xcode 9.3 将其升级到 Swift 4.1。它在尝试构建我的项目时向我显示以下错误。


    // MARK: Store JSON initializer

      convenience init?(withJSON json: JSON) {
        //json mapping 
        //This is of type [Character] after mapping
        let services = json["services"].arrayValue.flatMap({ [=11=] }).flatMap({ [=11=].1.stringValue }) //Convert response to 1D array and convert it to array if String



//Custom init method

  init(id: Int, storeNumber: String, title: String, location: Location, type: String, zip: String, parent: Int, city: String, services: [String], state: String, storePhone: [String], pharmacyPhone: [String], pharmacyFax: [String], workingHours: WorkingHoursString) {

    //field with error
    //here self.services is of type [String]
    self.services = services

我正在使用 pod 'SwiftyJSON', '3.1.4' 用于Json解析。

Error - Cannot convert value of type '[character]' to expected argument type '[String]'

/* JSON for services is as given

     "Fresh Food"

    print("Services are \(services)")
    Services are ["F", "r", "e", "s", "h", " ", "F", "o", "o", "d"]



let services: [[String: Any]?] = [
    ["service1": "service1-name"],
    ["service2": "service2-name"]

let result = services
    .flatMap({ [=10=] })
    .flatMap({ [=10=].1 as! String })

我认为这是由于 StringDictionary 在 Swift 4 中的多次变化造成的(例如 String 变成了 Collection 个字符).在上面的代码中,第一个 flatMap 将字典合并(展平)到一个字典中,第二个 flatMap 将每个值作为 String 并将它们展平为二维 Collection Character.


let result = services
    .compactMap { [=11=] } // remove nil dictionaries
    .flatMap { // take all dictionary values as strings and flatten them to an array
       [=11=].values.map { [=11=].stringValue }


let services = json["services"]
    .flatMap { [=12=].arrayValue }
    .map { [=12=].stringValue }