为什么高 API 级别添加方法 AutoCompleteTextView.setText(CharSequence, boolean) 运行 在低 API 级别设备上运行良好

why high API level added method AutoCompleteTextView.setText(CharSequence, boolean) run on low API level device work well

为什么高 API 级别添加方法 AutoCompleteTextView.setText(CharSequence, boolean) 运行 在低 API 级别设备上运行良好

文档:https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/AutoCompleteTextView.html#setText(java.lang.CharSequence, 布尔值)

文档中说此方法已添加到 API 级别 17 但 我有什么设备 test:ZTE U880(2.2.2)API8, HuaWeiU8860(2.3.6) 都很好



Android 2.2.3 源代码交叉引用:AutoCompleteTextView.java#setText

967     * Like {@link #setText(CharSequence)}, except that it can disable filtering.
968     *
969     * @param filter If <code>false</code>, no filtering will be performed
970     *        as a result of this call.
971     *
972     * @hide Pending API council approval.
973     */
974    public void setText(CharSequence text, boolean filter) {
975        if (filter) {
976            setText(text);
977        } else {
978            mBlockCompletion = true;
979            setText(text);
980            mBlockCompletion = false;
981        }
982    }