Clearcase 视图创建向导中两个视图的相同存储目录?

Same storage directory for both views in Clearcase View Creation Wizard?

我在 ClearCase Project Explorer 中尝试创建视图。我右键单击一个项目并选择创建视图。我勾选了创建开发视图和创建和集成视图复选框,并为两者选择了快照。我单击下一步,然后将 c:\MyDev 作为开发视图的根,将 c:\MyInt 作为集成视图的根。当我点击下一步时,我看到:

您为两个视图指定了相同的存储目录。 您需要更改其中之一。



虽然 GUI 可能已经发展,但在创建视图时仔细检查高级选项(如技术说明“Create a snapshot view from Windows”中所示)。

如果您没有声明视图服务器位置,则需要指定一个公共共享路径,以便 ClearCase 存储 view1.vwsview2.vws(视图存储文件夹)。
See here 视图存储的性质(视图存储目录跟踪有关在视图中加载和检出哪些文件的信息)。

This thread mentions:

When you join a project, two views are created:

  1. A view attached to your new development stream and
  2. an integration view attached to the project integration stream.

The new development view will get created every time.
The integration view will get created if one does not already exist for the user (if one already exists, it can be reused).

It is likely that the user is either specifying the same name for both views or is specifying the same view storage directory (e.g. view-name.vws) for both views.
There is nothing wrong with both view storage directories (e.g. dev-view.vws and int-view.vws) to exist in the same parent directory, just as long as the directory names are unique.

OP Eric adds :

I believe that there was an invalid path on one of the advance settings pages.