Excel 应用程序在 VBA 程序后无法使用

Excel Application Unusable after VBA Program

我在 MS Project 中有一个 VBA 程序,它会打开 Excel 应用程序和一个电子表格,稍微调整电子表格,然后将其另存为一个新文件,以便它可以导入到 MS 项目中。

代码完美运行,它修改了 Excel 文件,就像我想要的那样,但是在 运行 代码之后,我打开 Excel 它不再可用,它只是一个空白的应用程序。



Private Sub processExportExcelSheet()
    If Not ErrorMessage = "" Then Exit Sub

    Dim targetApp As New Excel.Application
    Dim targetWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
    Dim targetSheet As Excel.Worksheet

    targetApp.Visible = False
    targetApp.DisplayAlerts = False
    targetApp.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set targetWorkBook = targetApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Exports\Data.xls")
    Set targetSheet = targetWorkBook.Worksheets(1)

    Dim rowCount, columnCount As Integer

    For rowCount = 1 To 10
        For columnCount = 1 To 10
            If targetSheet.Cells(rowCount, columnCount) = "P" _
                Then GoTo exitLoop
        Next columnCount
    Next rowCount

    ErrorMessage = "The data is corrupt"
    GoTo corruptData

    rowCount = rowCount - 1
    columnCount = columnCount - 1

    If Not rowCount = 0 Then targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Rows(1), _
        targetSheet.Rows(rowCount)).Delete Shift:=x1Up
    If Not columnCount = 0 Then targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Columns(1), _
        targetSheet.Columns(columnCount)).Delete Shift:=x1ToLeft

    Dim count, deleteCount As Integer
    count = 1
    deleteCount = 0

    Do While deleteCount < 5
        If targetSheet.Cells(1, count) = "" Then
            targetSheet.Columns(count).Delete Shift:=x1ToLeft
            deleteCount = deleteCount + 1
            targetSheet.Cells(1, count) = "Title" & count
            count = count + 1
            deleteCount = 0
        End If

    count = 2
    deleteCount = 0

    Do While deleteCount < 5
        If targetSheet.Cells(count, 1) = "" Then
            targetSheet.Rows(count).Delete Shift:=x1Up
            deleteCount = deleteCount + 1
            count = count + 1
            deleteCount = 0
        End If
    targetWorkBook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Exports\Data.xlsx", FileFormat:=51

    Kill ("C:\Exports\Data.xls")

    targetApp.ScreenUpdating = True
    targetApp.DisplayAlerts = True
    targetApp.Visible = True

End Sub

检查任务管理器并确保 Excel 的实例没有被遗留 运行 并且没有被正确关闭。

如果您还没有退出 VBA 打开的 Excel 的 .Quit 实例,它将保持活动状态 - 但隐藏 - 并且您的实例生成的任何对话框都会停止尝试打开新实例