
Tint menu icons in overflow menu and submenus


public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.toolbar_main, menu);

    // Show icons in overflow menu
    if (menu instanceof MenuBuilder) {
        MenuBuilder m = (MenuBuilder) menu;

    // Change icons color
    changeIconsColor(menu, colorNormal, colorInMenu, false);

    return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

public static void changeIconsColor(Menu menu, int colorNormal, int colorInMenu, boolean isInSubMenu) {
    // Change icons color
    for (int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) {
        MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i);
        Drawable icon = item.getIcon();
        if (icon != null) {
            int color = (((MenuItemImpl) item).requiresActionButton() ? colorNormal : colorInMenu);
            icon.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
            icon.setAlpha(item.isEnabled() ? 255 : 128);

        if (item.hasSubMenu()) {
            changeIconsColor(item.getSubMenu(), colorNormal, colorInMenu, true);

使用 MenuItem.requiresActionButton() 可以知道某个项目在 XML 的 showAsAction 属性中是否具有值 neveralways,但不是如果它具有 ifRoom 值。因此,如果我想要适当的着色,我不能在项目中使用 ifRoom 值,它非常有限制。


遗憾的是,无法使用主题或样式设置菜单项图标颜色的色调。您需要一种方法来检查 MenuItem 是否在 ActionBar 或溢出菜单中可见。本机和支持 MenuItemImpl class 都有一个方法,但它们要么被限制在库中,要么被隐藏。这需要反思。您可以使用以下方法检查菜单项是否可见,然后设置颜色过滤器:

public static boolean isActionButton(@NonNull MenuItem item) {
  if (item instanceof MenuItemImpl) {
    return ((MenuItemImpl) item).isActionButton();
  } else {
    // Not using the support library. This is a native MenuItem. Reflection is needed.
    try {
      Method m = item.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("isActionButton");
      if (!m.isAccessible()) m.setAccessible(true);
      return (boolean) m.invoke(item);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return false;

您还需要等到菜单膨胀后再给项目着色。为此,您可以获得对 ActionBar 的引用,并在绘制 ActionBar 之后对 MenuItem 进行着色。


@Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
  getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu_main, menu);

  int id = getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar", "id", "android");
  ViewGroup actionBar;
  if (id != 0) {
    actionBar = (ViewGroup) findViewById(id);
  } else {
    // You must be using a custom Toolbar. Use the toolbar view instead.
    // actionBar = yourToolbar

  actionBar.post(new Runnable() {
    @Override public void run() {
      // Add code to tint menu items here 

  return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

这是我写的 class 帮助对菜单项图标进行着色的文章:https://gist.github.com/jaredrummler/7816b13fcd5fe1ac61cb0173a1878d4f



public final class ThemeUtils {

     * Obtain colors of a context's theme from attributes
     * @param context    themed context
     * @param colorAttrs varargs of color attributes
     * @return array of colors in the same order as the array of attributes
    public static int[] getColors(Context context, int... colorAttrs) {
        TypedArray ta = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(colorAttrs);

        int[] colors = new int[colorAttrs.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < colorAttrs.length; i++) {
            colors[i] = ta.getColor(i, 0);


        return colors;

     * Get the two colors needed for tinting toolbar icons
     * The colors are obtained from the toolbar's theme and popup theme
     * These themes are obtained from {@link R.attr#toolbarTheme} and {@link R.attr#toolbarPopupTheme}
     * The two color attributes used are:
     * - {@link android.R.attr#textColorPrimary} for the normal color
     * - {@link android.R.attr#textColorSecondary} for the color in a menu
     * @param context activity context
     * @return int[2]{normal color, color in menu}
    public static int[] getToolbarColors(Context context) {
        // Get the theme and popup theme of a toolbar
        TypedArray ta = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(
                new int[]{R.attr.toolbarTheme, R.attr.toolbarPopupTheme});
        Context overlayTheme = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, ta.getResourceId(0, 0));
        Context popupTheme = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, ta.getResourceId(1, 0));

        // Get toolbar colors from these themes
        int colorNormal = ThemeUtils.getColors(overlayTheme, android.R.attr.textColorPrimary)[0];
        int colorInMenu = ThemeUtils.getColors(popupTheme, android.R.attr.textColorSecondary)[0];

        return new int[]{colorNormal, colorInMenu};

     * Change the color of the icons of a menu
     * Disabled items are set to 50% alpha
     * @param menu        targeted menu
     * @param colorNormal normal icon color
     * @param colorInMenu icon color for popup menu
     * @param isInSubMenu whether menu is a sub menu
    private static void changeIconsColor(View toolbar, Menu menu, int colorNormal, int colorInMenu, boolean isInSubMenu) {
        toolbar.post(() -> {
            // Change icons color
            for (int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) {
                MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i);
                changeMenuIconColor(item, colorNormal, colorInMenu, isInSubMenu);

                if (item.hasSubMenu()) {
                    changeIconsColor(toolbar, item.getSubMenu(), colorNormal, colorInMenu, true);

    public static void changeIconsColor(View toolbar, Menu menu, int colorNormal, int colorInMenu) {
        changeIconsColor(toolbar, menu, colorNormal, colorInMenu, false);

     * Change the color of a single menu item icon
     * @param item        targeted menu item
     * @param colorNormal normal icon color
     * @param colorInMenu icon color for popup menu
     * @param isInSubMenu whether item is in a sub menu
    public static void changeMenuIconColor(MenuItem item, int colorNormal, int colorInMenu, boolean isInSubMenu) {
        if (item.getIcon() != null) {
            Drawable icon = item.getIcon().mutate();
            int color = (((MenuItemImpl) item).isActionButton() && !isInSubMenu ? colorNormal : colorInMenu);
            icon.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN);
            icon.setAlpha(item.isEnabled() ? 255 : 128);



public final class ActivityUtils {

     * Force show the icons in the overflow menu and submenus
     * @param menu target menu
    public static void forceShowMenuIcons(Menu menu) {
        if (menu instanceof MenuBuilder) {
            MenuBuilder m = (MenuBuilder) menu;

     * Get the action bar or toolbar view in activity
     * @param activity activity to get from
     * @return the toolbar view
    public static ViewGroup findActionBar(Activity activity) {
        int id = activity.getResources().getIdentifier("action_bar", "id", "android");
        ViewGroup actionBar = null;
        if (id != 0) {
            actionBar = activity.findViewById(id);
        if (actionBar == null) {
            return findToolbar((ViewGroup) activity.findViewById(android.R.id.content).getRootView());
        return actionBar;

    private static ViewGroup findToolbar(ViewGroup viewGroup) {
        ViewGroup toolbar = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i++) {
            View view = viewGroup.getChildAt(i);
            if (view.getClass() == android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar.class ||
                    view.getClass() == android.widget.Toolbar.class) {
                toolbar = (ViewGroup) view;
            } else if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
                toolbar = findToolbar((ViewGroup) view);
            if (toolbar != null) {
        return toolbar;


我还在 attrs.xml 中定义了两个属性:toolbarThemetoolbarPopupTheme,我在 XML 的工具栏布局中设置了它们。它们的值在 themes.xml 中的我的应用程序主题中定义。 ThemeUtils.getToolbarColors(Context) 使用这些属性来获取用于着色图标的颜色,因为工具栏通常使用主题覆盖。通过这样做,我可以仅通过更改这 2 个属性的值来更改每个工具栏的主题。

剩下的就是在 activity 的 onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) 中调用以下内容:

ActivityUtils.forceShowMenuIcons(menu);  // Optional, show icons in overflow and submenus

View toolbar = ActivityUtils.findActionBar(this);  // Get the action bar view
int[] toolbarColors = ThemeUtils.getToolbarColors(this);  // Get the icons colors
ThemeUtils.changeIconsColor(toolbar, menu, toolbarColors[0], toolbarColors[1]);

通过将 this 替换为 getActivity(),可以在片段中完成相同的操作。

更新MenuItem图标时,可以调用另一个方法,ThemeUtils.changeMenuIconColor()。在这种情况下,可以在 onCreate 中获取工具栏颜色并全局存储以重复使用它们。

这是一个适用于 material 组件的解决方案 MaterialToolbar:


  • 代码检查工具栏的所有子视图 => 这些是可见项
  • 它递归地迭代所有菜单项并检查菜单 id 是否是可见视图 id 的一部分,如果是,这意味着菜单项在工具栏上,否则它在溢出菜单中
  • 然后它会根据其位置为图标着色
  • 它还会为溢出图标着色
  • 要正确着色子菜单箭头指示器,请查看以下问题:https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android/issues/553


fun View.getAllChildrenRecursively(): List<View> {
    val result = ArrayList<View>()
    if (this !is ViewGroup) {
    } else {
        for (index in 0 until this.childCount) {
            val child = this.getChildAt(index)
    return result

fun MaterialToolbar.tintAndShowIcons(colorOnToolbar: Int, colorInOverflow: Int) {
    (menu as? MenuBuilder)?.setOptionalIconsVisible(true)
    val c1 = ColorStateList.valueOf(colorOnToolbar)
    val c2 = PorterDuffColorFilter(colorInOverflow, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)
    val idsShowing = ArrayList<Int>()
    getAllChildrenRecursively().forEach {
        // Icon in Toolbar
        (it as? ActionMenuItemView)?.let {
        // Overflow Icon
        (it as? ImageView)?.imageTintList = c1
    menu.forEach {
        checkOverflowMenuItem(it, c2, idsShowing)

private fun checkOverflowMenuItem(menuItem: MenuItem, iconColor: ColorFilter, idsShowing: ArrayList<Int>) {
    // Only change Icons inside the overflow
    if (!idsShowing.contains(menuItem.itemId)) {
        menuItem.icon?.colorFilter = iconColor
    menuItem.subMenu?.forEach {
        checkOverflowMenuItem(it, iconColor, idsShowing)