determine if a set of points form an approximate line
[(215, 69), (217, 70), (220, 67), (223, 65), (226, 64), (229, 62), (232, 60), (236 , 57), (239, 56), (242, 54), (245, 52), (248, 50), (251, 48), (254, 47), (257, 45), (260, 43 ), (264, 40), (267, 39), (270, 37), (273, 35), (276, 33), (279, 31), (282, 29), (285, 28), (288, 26), (291, 24)]
我需要确定这些是直线还是曲线。我绘制了 set ,它看起来像这样:
Set of green points on a line
我测试了直线的任意 3 个连续点的叉积以检查它们是否共线
for k in range(0,len(pts-3),1):
c1,c2,c3= (cp1.x,cp1.y),(cp2.x,cp2.y),(cp3.x,cp3.y)
cros= (p2.x - p1.x)*(p3.y - p1.y) - (p3.x - p1.x)*(p2.y - p1.y)
JS 中给定点的示例是一个多维数组:
function calculateIsLine() {
let startingGradient=getGradientFromPoint(0);//we get a baseline and compare to every other point. If it is for example, inverted or completely off,
//we can confirm it doesn't line up.
console.log("Starting Gradient: "+startingGradient);
for (let i = 0; i < points.length-1; i++) {//ignoring last point as no point after it.
if(Math.abs(startingGradient-getGradientFromPoint(i))>0.5){//0.5 is our tolerance level
console.log("Conflicting Point: "+points[i]+" "+getGradientFromPoint(i));
return false;
return true;
function getGradientFromPoint(offset){
return (points[offset+1][1]-points[offset][1])/(points[offset+1][0]-points[offset][0]);//gradient formula
let points = [];
let pointsString = "[(215, 69), (217, 70), (220, 67), (223, 65), (226, 64), (229, 62), (300, 60), (236, 57), (239, 56), (242, 54), (245, 52), (248, 50), (251, 48), (254, 47), (257, 45), (260, 43), (264, 40), (267, 39), (270, 37), (273, 35), (276, 33), (279, 31), (282, 29), (285, 28), (288, 26), (291, 24)]";
let conflictingPointIndex;
function setup() {
let canvas = createCanvas(500, 100);
let arrayPoints = pointsString.split("(");
arrayPoints.splice(0, 1);
for (let i = 0; i < arrayPoints.length; i++) {
arrayPoints[i] = arrayPoints[i].substr(0, arrayPoints[i].indexOf(")")).replace(" ", "");
let stringPoint = arrayPoints[i].split(",");
for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if (!points[i])
points[i] = [];
points[i][j] = parseInt(stringPoint[j]);
points.sort((p1, p2) => {
return p1[0] - p2[0];
// console.log(points);
function draw() {
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if (i === conflictingPointIndex + 1)
stroke(255, 0, 0);
else stroke(255);
point(points[i][0], points[i][1]);
function calculateIsLine() {
let startingGradient = getGradientFromPoint(0); //we get a baseline and compare to every other point. If it is for example, inverted or completely off,
//we can confirm it doesn't line up.
console.log("Starting Gradient: " + startingGradient);
for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) { //ignoring last point as no point after it.
if (Math.abs(startingGradient - getGradientFromPoint(i)) > 1.6) { //0.5 is our tolerance level
console.log("Conflicting Point: " + points[i] + " " + getGradientFromPoint(i) + " " + Math.abs(startingGradient - getGradientFromPoint(i)));
conflictingPointIndex = i;
return false;
return true;
function getGradientFromPoint(offset) {
return (points[offset + 1][1] - points[offset][1]) / (points[offset + 1][0] - points[offset][0]); //gradient formula
<script src="https://github.com/processing/p5.js/releases/download/0.6.1/p5.js"></script>
我正在做一个line/arc检测算法。 我发现了这组讨厌的点:
[(215, 69), (217, 70), (220, 67), (223, 65), (226, 64), (229, 62), (232, 60), (236 , 57), (239, 56), (242, 54), (245, 52), (248, 50), (251, 48), (254, 47), (257, 45), (260, 43 ), (264, 40), (267, 39), (270, 37), (273, 35), (276, 33), (279, 31), (282, 29), (285, 28), (288, 26), (291, 24)]
我需要确定这些是直线还是曲线。我绘制了 set ,它看起来像这样: Set of green points on a line
我测试了直线的任意 3 个连续点的叉积以检查它们是否共线
for k in range(0,len(pts-3),1): cp1=pts[k] cp2=pts[k+1] cp3=pts[k+2] c1,c2,c3= (cp1.x,cp1.y),(cp2.x,cp2.y),(cp3.x,cp3.y) cros= (p2.x - p1.x)*(p3.y - p1.y) - (p3.x - p1.x)*(p2.y - p1.y) print(abs(cros))
这种锯齿状的结构使我的算法失效! 那么如何判断锯齿状的锯齿线是直线还是曲线呢?
JS 中给定点的示例是一个多维数组:
function calculateIsLine() {
let startingGradient=getGradientFromPoint(0);//we get a baseline and compare to every other point. If it is for example, inverted or completely off,
//we can confirm it doesn't line up.
console.log("Starting Gradient: "+startingGradient);
for (let i = 0; i < points.length-1; i++) {//ignoring last point as no point after it.
if(Math.abs(startingGradient-getGradientFromPoint(i))>0.5){//0.5 is our tolerance level
console.log("Conflicting Point: "+points[i]+" "+getGradientFromPoint(i));
return false;
return true;
function getGradientFromPoint(offset){
return (points[offset+1][1]-points[offset][1])/(points[offset+1][0]-points[offset][0]);//gradient formula
let points = [];
let pointsString = "[(215, 69), (217, 70), (220, 67), (223, 65), (226, 64), (229, 62), (300, 60), (236, 57), (239, 56), (242, 54), (245, 52), (248, 50), (251, 48), (254, 47), (257, 45), (260, 43), (264, 40), (267, 39), (270, 37), (273, 35), (276, 33), (279, 31), (282, 29), (285, 28), (288, 26), (291, 24)]";
let conflictingPointIndex;
function setup() {
let canvas = createCanvas(500, 100);
let arrayPoints = pointsString.split("(");
arrayPoints.splice(0, 1);
for (let i = 0; i < arrayPoints.length; i++) {
arrayPoints[i] = arrayPoints[i].substr(0, arrayPoints[i].indexOf(")")).replace(" ", "");
let stringPoint = arrayPoints[i].split(",");
for (let j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
if (!points[i])
points[i] = [];
points[i][j] = parseInt(stringPoint[j]);
points.sort((p1, p2) => {
return p1[0] - p2[0];
// console.log(points);
function draw() {
for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
if (i === conflictingPointIndex + 1)
stroke(255, 0, 0);
else stroke(255);
point(points[i][0], points[i][1]);
function calculateIsLine() {
let startingGradient = getGradientFromPoint(0); //we get a baseline and compare to every other point. If it is for example, inverted or completely off,
//we can confirm it doesn't line up.
console.log("Starting Gradient: " + startingGradient);
for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) { //ignoring last point as no point after it.
if (Math.abs(startingGradient - getGradientFromPoint(i)) > 1.6) { //0.5 is our tolerance level
console.log("Conflicting Point: " + points[i] + " " + getGradientFromPoint(i) + " " + Math.abs(startingGradient - getGradientFromPoint(i)));
conflictingPointIndex = i;
return false;
return true;
function getGradientFromPoint(offset) {
return (points[offset + 1][1] - points[offset][1]) / (points[offset + 1][0] - points[offset][0]); //gradient formula
<script src="https://github.com/processing/p5.js/releases/download/0.6.1/p5.js"></script>