在 char 在代码外部工作但在 C++ 中出现 return 错误后插入空格函数

inserting spaces function after char worked outside the code but inside return error in C++

我制作了一个在特定字符后插入空格的函数 它适用于任何长的,任何分开的字符。 像现在一样

using namespace std;
insert_spaces_before_delims(string a)
 vector<int> found;
 int temp;
 int i=0;
//string a="Ahmeed+Khaled+awwad=Ahmedd-AWWAd";                //string be a parameter
 temp = a.find_first_of("+-=");                              // chars be parameters if need to change
 a.insert(found[i]," ");
 while(a.find_first_of("+-=",found[i]+2)!= string::npos)
  temp = a.find_first_of("+-=",found[i]+2);
  a.insert(found[i+1]," ");
int main(void)
 string equation;
 //the output is the string with spaces before every +,- and = 

i debug the function when returns that error "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): basic_string::replace: __pos (which is 4294967295) > this->size() (which is 0)"

按条件(==string::npos) 为什么它再次出现在代码中并停止代码继续,只是 return 错误并结束程序。

struct variable_content
//string coefficient;                 // coefficient of x ( value before x)
    int value;                           // value of X = coefficient but in another type
    string order;                       // order (number ) of x (number after x)
spliting_each_variable(char ,variable_content ,vector<string> ,vector<variable_content>);
insert_spaces_before_delims(string );

int main()
  int number_equations;
   string equation;                             //receive string
   vector<string> equations;                    // vector for equations input from user
   vector<string> variables;                    // initial empty vector of string for each var as strings at all
   vector<variable_content> variable;           //initial empty vector of struct for each var
   char delim[] = " ";
   char delim1[]="xX";
   variable_content temp;
   for (int i=0; i<number_equations;i++)
     getline(cin,equation);                             //worked
   //***the problem function , if i commented it the code works fine**** 
    insert_spaces_before_delims(equation);              //return error and stop the code
    equations.push_back(equation);                    //worked
    //make a temp struct and put tok1 in coefficient of it
    spilit__each_string(equation, delim,temp,variables,variable);//worked
    spliting_each_variable(delim1,temp ,variables,variable);     //worked
   //printing vector of struct of every variable
    for(int y=0; y<variable.size();y++)

重要的部分 以及 github.https://github.com/AhmedKAwwad/Split-String-into-vector/blob/master/main.cpp

上整个代码的 link

https://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-programs/ 这个 link 让我调试我的代码,发现在我的代码中混合了 cin>> 和 getline 会出错,然后我使用 getline 然后将字符串转换为整数 感谢评论