如何在 RXJS 6 中减去 2 个可观察量

How to subtract 2 observables in RXJS 6

我想减去 2 个可观察的数字


this.num1 = this.store.select(getNum1Count);
this.num2 = this.store.select(getNum2Count);
// this.num3 = difference of this.num1 and this.num2 

在 RXJS5 中我正在执行以下命令

 this.num3 = Observable.combineLatest(this.num1,this.num2,(c1,c2)=> Math.abs(c1 - c2));

但在 RXJS6 中,combineLatest 已弃用:Deprecated in favor of static combineLatest as shown here

我们如何让它在 RXJS 6 中工作?

关于尝试 combineLatest 的 RXJS6 格式,

combineLatest(this.num3,this.num2, this.num1, (c1,c2) =>  Math.abs(c1 - c2 )),filter(x => x !== NaN);

我收到一个错误 The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number' or an enum type.

我能够在帮助下让它工作(通过 gitter @Dorus 和 @GuillaumeUnice)

this.num3 = this.num1.pipe(combineLatest(this.num2),map(([n1,n2]) =>  Math.abs(n1 - n2))); 
