Camel REST:长期运行的 HTTP 服务的异步请求处理

Camel REST: Async request processing for long-operating HTTP services

我试图找到此类问题的最新示例,但不幸的是没有找到。 我正在尝试使用 camel 实现一个 web 服务,它的行为应该如下所示:


            .to("bean:requestHandler?method=processNewSearch") // generate ticket-id and reply with 202 or 3xx
            .route().inOnly("activemq:queue:start").endRest() // put the incoming message into the start-queue where the processing starts
            .get(resultEndpoint).to("bean:requestHandler?method=returnResult"); // return 299 when processing not done or 200 + result

            .setHeader("recipients").method(new ExtractRecipients(), "extractRecipients")

... etc, etc... until:



public void processNewSearch(Exchange exchange) {
    //generate ticket and stuff and finally set Header and body of the response

    exchange.getOut().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 202);

public void returnResult(Exchange exchange) {
    //handle ticket related stuff, if valid fetch result and create http response:
        exchange.getOut().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 200);

public void saveFinishedSearch(Exchange exchange) {
    // get search Results from the final Message that was processing asynchronously in the background and save it
    finishedSearches.put(ticket, body);


所以目前的问题是 camel 一直等到整个消息被处理,因此 .to("bean:requestHandler?method=processNewSearch") 生成的响应什么都不做,因为它只会被放入启动队列。

如何使用 camel 立即 return 自定义响应并让路由异步处理请求?

首先,您应该坚持 HTTP Protocol 并且仅通过 POST 操作触发后台任务。您可能不希望爬虫通过 GET 请求触发较长的 运行 后台进程,是吗?

因此,您还应该使用 Location HTTP header 到 return 资源的 URI 有关进程当前状态的更多信息可以从.我也会使用通用 URI 而不是某些重定向。

在你的 route-setup 中,我通常也会将所有路由相关的东西都放在 .route() 块中。我们维护一个目录组装过程和一个 EDI 消息存档系统,由于德国法律强制客户备份他们交换的 EDI 消息,该系统将 assemble 在特定时间范围内发送 and/or 接收的消息。


    .description("Invokes the generation of a new message archive for 
                 "messages matching a criteria contained in the payload")

      // Extract the IP address of the user who invokes the service
      // Basic Authentication
      // check the amount of requests received within a certain time-period
      // extract specified settings
      // forward the task to the archive generation queue
      // return 202 Accepted response

    .description("Returns the status of the message archive generation process." 
                 + " If the process has finished this operation will return the"
                 + " link to the download location of the generated archive")

      // Extract the IP address of the user who invokes the service
      // Basic Authentication
      // check the amount of requests received within a certain time-period
      // return the current state of the task to the client. If the job is done, 
      // the response will also include a download link as wel as an MD5 hash to
      // verify the correctness of the downloaded archive

ExtractArchiveRequestSettings class 仅对接收到的有效负载执行健全性检查并为缺失字段设置默认值。之后,请求被存储到数据库中,其唯一标识符存储到 header.

ArchiveRequestSetting 看起来确实像下面的示例(稍微简化)

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class ArchiveRequestSettings {

  /** Specifies if sent or received messages should be included in the artifact. Setting this field
   * to 'DELIVERED' will include only delivered documents where the companyUuid of the requesting
   * user matches the documents sender identifier. Specifying this field as 'RECEIVED' will include
   * only documents whose receiver identifier matches the companyUuid of the requesting user. **/
  private String direction;

  /** The naming schema of entries within the archive **/
  private String entryPattern;

  /** The upper timestamp bound to include messages. Entries older than this value will be omitted **/
  @JsonSerialize(using = Iso8601DateSerializer.class)
  @JsonDeserialize(using = Iso8601DateDeserializer.class)
  private Date from;
  /** The lower timestamp bound to include messages. Entries younger than this value will be
   * omitted. If left empty this will include even the most recent messages. **/
  @JsonSerialize(using = Iso8601DateSerializer.class)
  @JsonDeserialize(using = Iso8601DateDeserializer.class)
  private Date till;

ReturnArchiveRequestCreatedStatus class 查找存储的请求实体并 return 使用 202 Accepted 响应对其进行处理。

public void returnStatus(Exchange exchange) {

    String archiveId = exchange.getIn().getHeader(HeaderConstants.ARCHIVES_REQUEST_ID, String.class);
    ArchiveRequestEntity archive = repository.findOne(archiveId);

    Message msg = new DefaultMessage(exchange.getContext());
    msg.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 202); // Accepted
    msg.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json; charset=\"utf-8\"");
    msg.setHeader("Location", archiveLocationUrl + "/" + archiveId);




实际的支持过程是通过将交换发送到 Redis queue 开始的,该 Redis queue 在不同的机器上使用。此过程的输出将是一个包含请求文件的存档,该文件将上传到 public 可访问位置,并且只有 link 将存储在请求实体中。请注意,我们有一个自定义的 camel 组件,它模仿了 Redis queues 的 seda entpoint。使用 seda 虽然应该足以在不同的线程中开始处理任务。

根据支持进程的当前状态,存储的请求实体将由支持进程更新。在收到状态请求(通过 GET)时,查询数据存储的当前状态并映射到某些响应:

public class ReturnArchiveRequestStatus {

  private ArchiveRequestRepository repository;

  public void returnArchiveStatus(Exchange exchange) throws JSONException {

    String archiveId = exchange.getIn().getHeader("archiveId", String.class);

    if (StringUtils.isBlank(archiveId)) {

    ArchiveRequestEntity archive = repository.findOne(archiveId);
    if (null == archive) {
      notFound(archiveId, exchange);

    ok(archive, exchange);

  private void badRequest(Exchange exchange) throws JSONException {
    Message msg = new DefaultMessage(exchange.getContext());
    msg.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 400);
    msg.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json; charset=\"utf-8\"");
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

    json.put("status", "ERROR");
    json.put("message", "No archive identifier found");


  private void notFound(String archiveId, Exchange exchange) throws JSONException {
    Message msg = new DefaultMessage(exchange.getContext());
    msg.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 403);
    msg.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json; charset=\"utf-8\"");
    JSONObject json = new JSONObject();

    json.put("status", "ERROR");
    json.put("message", "Could not find pending archive process with ID " + archiveId);


  private void ok(UserArchiveRequestEntity archive, Exchange exchange) throws JSONException {
    Message msg = new DefaultMessage(exchange.getContext());
    msg.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, 200);
    msg.setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json; charset=\"utf-8\"");



@Document(collection = "archive")
public class ArchiveRequestEntity {

   * The current state of the archiving process
  public enum State {
    /** The request to create an archive was cued but not yet processed **/
    /** The archive is currently under construction **/
    /** The archive was generated successfully. {@link #downloadUrl} should contain the link the
     * archive can be found **/
    /** Indicates that the archive generation failed. {@link #error} should indicate the actual
     * reason why the request failed **/

  private String id;

  /** Timestamp the process was triggered **/
  @Indexed(expireAfterSeconds = DEFAULT_EXPIRE_TIME)
  private Date timestamp = new Date();

  /** The identifier of the company to create the archive for **/
  private String companyUuid;

  /** The state this archive is currently in **/
  private State state = State.QUEUED;


  /** Marks the upper limit to include entries to the archive. Entries older then this field will
   * not be included in the archives while entries equal or younger than this timestamp will be
   * included unless they are younger than {@link #till} timestamp **/
  @JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX")
  private Date from;
  /** Marks the lower limit to include entries to the archive. Entries younger than this field will
   * not be included in the archive **/
  @JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXX")
  private Date till;

  /** Information on why the archive creation failed **/
  private String error;

  /** The URL of the final archive to download **/
  private String downloadUrl;

  /** The MD5 Hash of the final artifact in order to guarantee clients an unmodified version of the
   * archive **/
  private String md5Hash;


请注意,无论处理状态的当前状态如何,200 OK 都将 return 与当前的 JSON 处理状态表示形式相结合。客户端将看到具有 downloadUrlmd5Hash 属性集的 FINISHED 状态,或者看到具有不同属性的不同状态。


这种方法应该适用于几乎所有长 运行 进程,尽管您传递的信息的内部结构可能与我们的场景不同。希望这有帮助