在 Vim 中:正在搜索文本但将光标放在匹配项的末尾?

In Vim: Searching for text but putting the cursor at the end of the match?


例如,/my ENTER 会将光标置于 'myvariable' ('m') 的开头。

我经常发现,如果光标紧跟在搜索模式结束之后(此处,在 'v' 上),会很方便。这可能吗?

使用/my/e。这会将光标置于模式的末尾。如果您使用 /my./e,它将把光标放在模式之后的第一个位置。

:help / 你可以看到 /{pattern}/{offset}<CR> 模式。
来自 :help offset:

                    *search-offset* *{offset}*
These commands search for the specified pattern.  With "/" and "?" an
additional offset may be given.  There are two types of offsets: line offsets
and character offsets.

The offset gives the cursor position relative to the found match:
    [num]   [num] lines downwards, in column 1
    +[num]  [num] lines downwards, in column 1
    -[num]  [num] lines upwards, in column 1
    e[+num] [num] characters to the right of the end of the match    ## This is the one you want
    e[-num] [num] characters to the left of the end of the match
    s[+num] [num] characters to the right of the start of the match
    s[-num] [num] characters to the left of the start of the match
    b[+num] [num] identical to s[+num] above (mnemonic: begin)
    b[-num] [num] identical to s[-num] above (mnemonic: begin)
    ;{pattern}  perform another search, see |//;|

If a '-' or '+' is given but [num] is omitted, a count of one will be used.
When including an offset with 'e', the search becomes inclusive (the
character the cursor lands on is included in operations).

因此在您的情况下使用 /my/e+(或 /my/e+1)降落在 myvariablev