
What's is the difference between a static and non-static annotation?

Java 的内部 classes 可以是静态的也可以是非静态的。非静态内部 classes 绑定到封闭 class.


注解是一种 Java 接口,与任何其他 class 一样,它们可以在 class 中定义。同样,它们可以声明为静态或非静态。这两种选择之间有什么区别,它们在使用代码时的使用方式有什么区别,是否存在使用其中一种有意义的场景?


public class AnnotationContainer {

  public static @interface StaticAnnotation {}
  public @interface NonstaticAnnotation {}



这在 JLS Sec 8.5.1 中有描述(对于 类):

A member interface is implicitly static (§9.1.1). It is permitted for the declaration of a member interface to redundantly specify the static modifier.

JLS Sec 9.5(对于接口):

A member type declaration in an interface is implicitly public and static. It is permitted to redundantly specify either or both of these modifiers.

进一步说明 它们完全相同,因为它们是一种特殊的接口声明,并且 "member interfaces" 无论如何都是隐式静态的:

JLS 10 9.6. Annotation Types:

An annotation type declaration specifies a new annotation type, a special kind of interface type. To distinguish an annotation type declaration from a normal interface declaration, the keyword interface is preceded by an at-sign (@).

JLS 10 8.5.1. Static Member Type Declarations :

A member interface is implicitly static (§9.1.1). It is permitted for the declaration of a member interface to redundantly specify the static modifier.

JLS 10 9.1.1. Interface Modifiers

The modifier static pertains only to member interfaces (§8.5.1, §9.5), not to top level interfaces (§7.6).

旁注:有趣的是,这些章节没有使用第 9 章顶部定义的术语 "nested interface",但它似乎是 "member interface" 的同义词:

JLS 10 Chapter 9. Interfaces:

A nested interface is any interface whose declaration occurs within the body of another class or interface.