
How to set a default value to an argument in a programatically defined schema?

我似乎无法在官方 GraphQL 文档中找到如何操作。


let PostType = new GraphQLObjectType({
    name: 'post',
    description: 'Represents a blog post',
    fields() {
       return {
           title: {
               type: GraphQLString,
               args: {
                   id: {
                      // HOW CAN I MAKE THIS ARG (id) OPTIONAL
                      // OR SET A DEFAULT VALUE TO IT?
                      type: GraphQLString


type GraphQLArgumentConfig = {
  type: GraphQLInputType;
  defaultValue?: any;
  description?: ?string;

因此,除了 type 之外,只需为该参数定义一个 defaultValue