并非所有 akka stream Sink 都接收到发出的数据

Not all akka stream Sinks receive the emitted data

当 运行 以下 akka streaming FlowGraph 并非所有发出的字符都被所有接收器接收时。

package sample.stream

import java.io.{ FileOutputStream, PrintWriter }
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.stream.ActorFlowMaterializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Broadcast, FlowGraph, Sink, Source }
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try }

object Sample {

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    implicit val system = ActorSystem("Sys")
    import system.dispatcher
    implicit val materializer = ActorFlowMaterializer()
    var counter = -1

    val countSource: Source[Char, Unit] = Source(() => Iterator.continually { counter += 1; (counter + 'A').toChar }.take(11))

    var counter1 = 0
    val consoleSink1 = Sink.foreach[Char] { counter =>
      println("sink1:" + counter1 + ":" + counter)
      counter1 += 1
    var counter2 = 0
    val consoleSink2 = Sink.foreach[Char] { counter =>
      println("sink2:" + counter2 + ":" + counter)
      counter2 += 1

    val materialized = FlowGraph.closed(consoleSink1, consoleSink2)((x1, x2) => x1) { implicit builder =>
      (console1, console2) =>
        import FlowGraph.Implicits._
        val broadcast = builder.add(Broadcast[Char](2))
        countSource ~> broadcast ~> console1
        broadcast ~> console2

    // ensure the output file is closed and the system shutdown upon completion
    materialized.onComplete {
      case Success(_) =>
      case Failure(e) =>
        println(s"Failure: ${e.getMessage}")
    println("waiting the remaining ones")
    //scala.concurrent.Await.ready(materialized, scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt(100).seconds)


[info] Running sample.stream.Sample
[info] start
[info] waiting the remaining ones
[info] end
[info] sink2:0:A
[info] sink1:0:A
[info] sink1:1:B
[info] sink1:2:C
[info] sink2:1:B
[info] sink1:3:D
[info] sink2:2:C
[info] sink1:4:E
[info] sink1:5:F
[info] sink2:3:D
[info] sink1:6:G
[info] sink1:7:H
[info] sink2:4:E
[info] sink2:5:F
[info] sink1:8:I
[info] sink1:9:J
[info] sink2:6:G
[info] sink2:7:H
[info] sink1:10:K

第二个接收器没有收到第 8 个、第 9 个和第 10 个值:IJK,但整个流程仍然结束。

我应该怎么做才能让两个Sink都消耗完数据? 我发现如果我将 (x1,x2)=>x1 更改为 (x1,x2)=>x2 这将等待。这与在第一个接收器中休眠 300 毫秒相同。

您传递给 FlowGraph.closed 第二个参数列表的函数决定了当您 运行 流时 return 编辑的具体化值。因此,当您传入 (x1,x2)=>x1 时,您会 return 一个在第一个接收器获取所有元素时完成的未来,然后该未来的回调将关闭 actor 系统,而第二个接收器没有机会接收所有元素元素。

相反,您应该退出两个 future 并仅在两个 future 都完成后才关闭系统。

您实际上可以看到在某些 akka-stream 测试中如何使用这种方法 here