试图在非对象 Yii 1.1.15 上获取 属性

Trying to get property on a non object Yii 1.1.15

我尝试更改 CGridView 小部件的 Css 文件,在我的 config/main.php 中:

'components' => array(
     'widgetFactory' => array(
         'widgets' => array(
            'CGridView' => array(
                'cssFile' => Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/css/gridview.css',


Trying to get property on a non object /path_to_project/protected/config/main.php on line 79


P.S。是的,我可以将 display_errors ini 设置为 false,消息将消失,但我想清楚地了解它。谢谢!


来自 the API page for CApplication:

CApplication will undergo the following lifecycles when processing a user request:

  1. load application configuration;
  2. set up error handling;
  3. load static application components;
  4. onBeginRequest: preprocess the user request;
  5. processRequest: process the user request;
  6. onEndRequest: postprocess the user request;

Starting from lifecycle 3, if a PHP error or an uncaught exception occurs, the application will switch to its error handling logic and jump to step 6 afterwards.

你的错误发生在第一步。因此,Yii 的错误处理还没有设置好。唯一的选择是使用 @ operator:

 'cssFile' => @Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . '/css/gridview.css',



如果您的视图显示正确(没有 css 错误),您可以省略 Yii::app()->request->baseUrl 并只使用:

'cssFile' => '/css/gridview.css'

如果遇到错误,您可以在扩展 CWidgetFactorycomponents 文件夹中创建一个 class,并在此处设置依赖于其他组件的任何变量,例如

class MyWidgetFactory extends CWidgetFactory {
    public function init() {
        $this->widgets['CGridView']['cssFile'] = Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'css/gridview.css';

您需要调整 components 才能使用此文件:

'components' => array(
    'widgetFactory' => array(
        'class' => 'MyWidgetFactory'