@FeignClient 将@GetMapping 与@RequestBody 强制为POST

@FeignClient forces @GetMapping with @RequestBody to POST

我有以下带有 GET 方法的 REST 控制器,该方法具有 BODY,适用于测试和邮递员

@RequestMapping(value = "/xxx")
public class Controller {
    public LocalDateTime findMax(@RequestBody List<ObjectId> ids) {
        //return sth   


public interface CoveragesServiceResource extends CoveragesService {
    LocalDateTime findMax(@RequestBody List<ObjectId> ids);


Request method 'POST' not supported

GET 请求在技术上可以有正文,但正文应该没有意义,因为 explained in this answer. You might be able to declare a GET endpoint with a body but some network libraries and tools will simply not support it e.g. Jersey can be configured to allow it but RESTEasy can't

建议将 /find 声明为 POST 或不使用 @RequestBody