使用 Core Image 从查找图像中过滤图像

Filter image from lookup image with Core Image


之前,我们使用 GPUImage 来过滤查找图像,但我想避免这种依赖性,因为它高达 5.4mb,而我们只需要这一功能。

搜索了几个小时后,我似乎找不到任何关于如何使用查找图像通过 CoreImage 过滤图像的资源。但是,查看文档,CIColorMatrix 看起来是合适的工具。这里的问题是我太笨了,无法理解这是如何工作的。这让我想到了我的问题;

有没有人有关于如何使用 CIColorMatrix 从查找中过滤图像的示例?(或关于我应该如何继续弄清楚的任何指示我自己)

我已经抓取了 GPUImage 的代码,看起来他们用来过滤查找图像的着色器定义如下:


varying vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate2; 
uniform sampler2D inputImageTexture; 
uniform sampler2D inputImageTexture2;

 // lookup texture  uniform float intensity;  
 void main() {     
    vec4 textureColor = texture2D(inputImageTexture, textureCoordinate); 
    float blueColor = textureColor.b * 63.0; 

    vec2 quad1;    
    quad1.y = floor(floor(blueColor) / 8.0);
    quad1.x = floor(blueColor) - (quad1.y * 8.0);

    vec2 quad2;
    quad2.y = floor(ceil(blueColor) / 8.0);
    quad2.x = ceil(blueColor) - (quad2.y * 8.0);

    vec2 texPos1;   
    texPos1.x = (quad1.x * 0.125) + 0.5/512.0 + ((0.125 - 1.0/512.0) * textureColor.r);
    texPos1.y = (quad1.y * 0.125) + 0.5/512.0 + ((0.125 - 1.0/512.0) * textureColor.g); 

    vec2 texPos2;     
    texPos2.x = (quad2.x * 0.125) + 0.5/512.0 + ((0.125 - 1.0/512.0) * textureColor.r);
    texPos2.y = (quad2.y * 0.125) + 0.5/512.0 + ((0.125 - 1.0/512.0) * textureColor.g);          

    vec4 newColor1 = texture2D(inputImageTexture2, texPos1);   
    vec4 newColor2 = texture2D(inputImageTexture2, texPos2); 
    vec4 newColor = mix(newColor1, newColor2, fract(blueColor));   

    gl_FragColor = mix(textureColor, vec4(newColor.rgb, textureColor.w), intensity);


attribute vec4 position;
attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate; 
attribute vec4 inputTextureCoordinate2;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying vec2 textureCoordinate2;

void main() {
    gl_Position = position;   
    textureCoordinate = inputTextureCoordinate.xy;     
    textureCoordinate2 = inputTextureCoordinate2.xy;

Can/should 我宁愿使用这些着色器创建自己的滤镜?

这个答案的所有功劳都归功于 Nghia Tran。如果您看到了,谢谢!

事实证明,一直只有一个答案。 Nghia Tran 写了一篇文章 here 解决了我的确切用例。

他友善地提供了一个扩展,可以从查找图像生成 CIFilter,我将在下面粘贴该扩展,以便为未来的开发人员保留这个答案。

如果您使用 Swift,则需要在桥接头中导入 CIFilter+LUT.h

这是一个片段,演示了在 Swift 4 中如何在 GPU 上使用它。这远未优化,上下文等应该被缓存,但它是一个很好的起点。

static func applyFilter(with lookupImage: UIImage, to image: UIImage) -> UIImage? {
    guard let cgInputImage = image.cgImage else {
        return nil

    guard let glContext = EAGLContext(api: .openGLES2) else {
        return nil

    let ciContext = CIContext(eaglContext: glContext)

    guard let lookupFilter = CIFilter(lookupImage: lookupImage, dimension: 64) else {
        return nil

    lookupFilter.setValue(CIImage(cgImage: cgInputImage),
                          forKey: "inputImage")

    guard let output = lookupFilter.outputImage else {
        return nil

    guard let cgOutputImage = ciContext.createCGImage(output, from: output.extent) else {
        return nil

    return UIImage(cgImage: cgOutputImage)


#import <CoreImage/CoreImage.h>
@import UIKit.UIImage;

@class CIFilter;

@interface CIFilter (LUT)
+(CIFilter *) filterWithLookupImage:(UIImage *)image dimension:(NSInteger) n;


#import "CIFilter+LUT.h"
#import <CoreImage/CoreImage.h>
#import <OpenGLES/EAGL.h>

@implementation CIFilter (LUT)

+(CIFilter *)filterWithLookupImage:(UIImage *)image dimension:(NSInteger)n {
    NSInteger width = CGImageGetWidth(image.CGImage);
    NSInteger height = CGImageGetHeight(image.CGImage);
    NSInteger rowNum = height / n;
    NSInteger columnNum = width / n;

    if ((width % n != 0) || (height % n != 0) || (rowNum * columnNum != n)) {
        NSLog(@"Invalid colorLUT");
        return nil;

    unsigned char *bitmap = [self createRGBABitmapFromImage:image.CGImage];

    if (bitmap == NULL) {
        return nil;

    NSInteger size = n * n * n * sizeof(float) * 4;
    float *data = malloc(size);
    int bitmapOffest = 0;
    int z = 0;

    for (int row = 0; row <  rowNum; row++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < n; y++) {
            int tmp = z;
            for (int col = 0; col < columnNum; col++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
                    float r = (unsigned int)bitmap[bitmapOffest];
                    float g = (unsigned int)bitmap[bitmapOffest + 1];
                    float b = (unsigned int)bitmap[bitmapOffest + 2];
                    float a = (unsigned int)bitmap[bitmapOffest + 3];

                    NSInteger dataOffset = (z*n*n + y*n + x) * 4;

                    data[dataOffset] = r / 255.0;
                    data[dataOffset + 1] = g / 255.0;
                    data[dataOffset + 2] = b / 255.0;
                    data[dataOffset + 3] = a / 255.0;

                    bitmapOffest += 4;
            z = tmp;
        z += columnNum;


    CIFilter *filter = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIColorCube"];
    [filter setValue:[NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:data length:size freeWhenDone:YES] forKey:@"inputCubeData"];
    [filter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:n] forKey:@"inputCubeDimension"];

    return filter;

+ (unsigned char *)createRGBABitmapFromImage:(CGImageRef)image {
    CGContextRef context = NULL;
    CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
    unsigned char *bitmap;
    NSInteger bitmapSize;
    NSInteger bytesPerRow;

    size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(image);
    size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(image);

    bytesPerRow = (width * 4);
    bitmapSize = (bytesPerRow * height);

    bitmap = malloc(bitmapSize);
    if (bitmap == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
    if (colorSpace == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    context = CGBitmapContextCreate (bitmap, width,  height, 8, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);

    if (context == NULL) {
        free (bitmap);

    CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height), image);

    return bitmap;