过滤数据 从 vapor 客户端获取

Filter data From vapor client get

我正在使用 vapor 的客户端获取 get 请求。

func sendGetRequest(req: Request) throws -> Future<Response> {
    let client = try req.make(FoundationClient.self)
    return client.get("http://example.vapor.codes/json", headers: ["Accept-Language" : "ar"])
        .map(to: Response.self, { clientResponse in
        let response = req.makeResponse()
        response.http.status = clientResponse.http.status
        response.http.body = clientResponse.http.body
        return response

这个 return 是所有 json 数据,我想将其过滤为 return 2 个属性,例如在这种情况下 (dict,number)


struct ExampleData: Codable {
  //  var array : [Int]
    var dict : [String : String]
    var number : Int
 //   var string : String

该函数期望我 return 一个 Future< Response>,但是如果我将其更改为 Future< ExampleData> 并将映射设置为 .map(to: ExampleData.self ..)


Cannot convert return expression of type 'Response' to return type 'TodoController.ExampleData'


func sendGetRequest(req: Request) throws -> Future<ExampleData> {
    let client = try req.make(Client.self)
    let ans =  client.get("http://example.vapor.codes/json", headers: ["Accept-Language" : "ar"]).flatMap { exampleResponse in
        return try exampleResponse.content.decode(ExampleData.self)

    return ans