Spring AMPQ 多个消费者与更高的预取值

Spring AMPQ multiple consumers vs higher prefetch value

即使阅读了大量 SO 问题 (,) 和文章,仍不清楚为消费者设置哪个选项更好。多个消费者或更高的预取值?

据我了解,当谈到 SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory 时,因为它最初设计为每个连接只有一个线程,所以它旨在解决以下限制amqp-client 每个连接只有一个线程,这是否意味着设置多个消费者不会有太大区别,因为实际上只有一个线程从 rabbit 消费,而不是将它交给多个消费者(线程)? 或者实际上有几个消费者同时消费?

那么,关于 spring 实施 rabbit 关于 prefetch/consumers 的最佳实践是什么?什么时候应该使用一个而不是另一个?我应该切换到这个新的 DirectRabbitListenerContainerFactory 吗?是 'better' 还是仅取决于用例?

当涉及到高预取时,我看到的一些缺点是,如果应用程序消耗了它可以保存在缓冲区中的更多消息,它可能会导致内存问题? (还没有实际测试过,tbh)

当涉及多个消费者时,我看到了在 OS 级别打开更多文件描述符的缺点,我看到 this 文章关于每个消费者实际上为每个 ack 和 ping 兔子这使它变慢。


public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() {
final CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory(server);
return connectionFactory;

public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin() {
    AmqpAdmin admin = new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory());
    return admin;

public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory() {
final SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
return factory;

public Queue getRabbitQueue() {
final Map<String, Object> p = new HashMap<String, Object>();
p.put("x-max-priority", 10);
return new Queue(queueName, true, false, false, p);

没有; SMLC 不是“为每个连接一个线程设计的”,它旨在解决 amqp-client 每个连接只有一个线程的限制,以便线程通过内存队列传递给消费者线程;这已不再是这种情况。客户端是多线程的,每个消费者有一个专用线程。


预取确实是为了减少网络干扰并提高整体吞吐量。您是否真的需要增加并发性与预取是正交的。如果 (a) 您的侦听器处理每条消息的速度相对较慢,并且 (b) 严格的消息排序并不重要,您通常会增加并发性。

引入 DirectListenerContainer 是为了提供不同的线程模型,其中直接在 amqp-client 线程上调用侦听器。

Choosing a Container 中描述了选择一个容器而不是另一个容器的原因。

The following features are available with the SMLC, but not the DMLC:

  • txSize - with the SMLC, you can set this to control how many messages are delivered in a transaction and/or to reduce the number of acks, but it may cause the number of duplicate deliveries to increase after a failure. (The DMLC does have mesagesPerAck which can be used to reduce the acks, the same as with txSize and the SMLC, but it can’t be used with transactions - each message is delivered and ack’d in a separate transaction).

  • maxConcurrentConsumers and consumer scaling intervals/triggers - there is no auto-scaling in the DMLC; it does, however, allow you to programmatically change the consumersPerQueue property and the consumers will be adjusted accordingly.

However, the DMLC has the following benefits over the SMLC:

  • Adding and removing queues at runtime is more efficient; with the SMLC, the entire consumer thread is restarted (all consumers canceled and re-created); with the DMLC, unaffected consumers are not canceled.

  • The context switch between the RabbitMQ Client thread and the consumer thread is avoided.

  • Threads are shared across consumers rather than having a dedicated thread for each consumer in the SMLC. However, see the IMPORTANT note about the connection factory configuration in the section called “Threading and Asynchronous Consumers”.