为什么 dojotoolkit.org 被暂停?

Why is dojotoolkit.org suspended?

当我转到 https://dojotoolkit.org/ 时,我得到 "Unable to connect"。在某些浏览器中,我得到 "You have reached a domain that is pending ICANN verification".

我在我的代码中使用了很多 dojo 库。有谁知道所有者发生了什么事,是否有可能在不久的将来解决这个问题?


这似乎是一个临时的管理 DNS 问题,基于他们的 Twitter response:

We apologize for the issues accessing the Dojo 1 web site. We’re working on it as fast as possible. In the mean time, you can add the IP address directly to /etc/hosts.

dojo gitter.im channel也有一些解决方法:

Reference guide content is also at https://github.com/dojo/docs/ And tutorials are at https://github.com/dojo/dojo-website/tree/master/src/documentation/tutorials

此外,如本文所述related question, you can use the Archive.org Wayback Machine
