如何创建解析为密码查询的 GraphQL API?

How do I create a GraphQL API that resolve to a cypher query?

我正在为我们创建的使用 AgensGraph as the graph database. Now that we have a working graph database, we need an API (RESTful or GraphQL) that can be used to query the graph without directly using a cypher query. I am looking into using GraphQL. It appears that Neo4j has a GraphQL to Cypher resolver 的原型项目设计一个 API。有没有类似的方法来为 AgensGraph 创建 GraphQL API?


  • 有postgres的graphql插件,AgensGraph基于PG
  • 你可以 fork neo4j-graphql-js 项目,并更改驱动程序。该项目是 GraphQL 模式的 Cypher 生成器,但它使用 Neo4j 作为后端。

否则试试 Neo4j :)