
FutureWarning: `TemplateForHostMiddleware` is deprecated. Please upgrade to the template loader

我正在建立一个 mezzanine 网站。

我通过键入 pip install mezzanine 安装了夹层,这安装了 django 1.9 (IIRC) 和夹层。

然后我安装了 cartridge,将 django 升级到版本 1.10.8。

现在当我在命令行 运行 runserver 时,我在命令行收到以下警告:

/path/to/env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django/core/handlers/base.py:58: FutureWarning: TemplateForHostMiddleware` is deprecated. Please upgrade to the template loader.

我该如何解决这个警告 - 因为警告不是很清楚(即升级 which 模板加载器还有什么这意味着升级模板加载器?)

请参阅文档的 this portion,其中解释了正在发生的事情:

Mezzanine implements host-specific templates using a template loader since version 4.3. Prior to that, the TemplateForHostMiddleware was used. If you are upgrading from a version lower than 4.3 and getting warnings in the terminal about TemplateForHostMiddleware, edit your settings.py to switch to the new loader-based approach:

  • Remove TemplateForHostMiddleware from your MIDDLEWARE or MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting.
  • Remove "APP_DIRS": True from your TEMPLATES setting.
  • Add mezzanine.template.loaders.host_themes.Loader to the list of template loaders.

Your TEMPLATES setting should look like this (notice the "loaders" key):

      "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
      "DIRS": [...],
      "OPTIONS": {
          "context_processors": [...],
          "builtins": [...],
          "loaders": [

看起来对文档的这一更改尚未实现 http://mezzanine.jupo.org/docs/multi-tenancy.html