为什么 GCC 定义一元运算符 '&&' 而不是只使用 '&'?

Why does GCC define unary operator '&&' instead of just using '&'?

this question 中所述,GCC 定义了非标准的一元运算符 && 来获取标签的地址。

为什么它定义了一个新的运算符,而不是使用 & 运算符的现有语义,and/or 函数的语义(其中 foo&foo两者都产生函数的地址 foo())?

标签名称不会干扰其他标识符,因为它们仅在 goto 中使用。变量和标签可以具有相同的名称,并且在标准 C 和 C++ 中,从上下文中始终可以清楚地了解其含义。所以这是完全有效的:

  int name;
  name = 4; // refers to the variable
  goto name; // refers to the label

因此需要 & 和 && 之间的区别,以便编译器知道期望的名称类型:

  &name; // refers to the variable
  &&name; // refers to the label

GCC 添加了此 extension 以用于初始化将用作跳转的静态数组 table:

static void *array[] = { &&foo, &&bar, &&hack };  

其中 foobarhack 是标签。然后可以通过索引选择一个标签,像这样:

goto *array[i];   


C11:6.2.1 标识符的范围 (p1):

An identifier can denote an object; a function; a tag or a member of a structure, union, or enumeration; a typedef name; a label name; a macro name; or a macro parameter.

第 6.2.3 节进一步说明:

If more than one declaration of a particular identifier is visible at any point in a translation unit, the syntactic context disambiguates uses that refer to different entities. Thus, there are separate name spaces for various categories of identifiers, as follows:

label names (disambiguated by the syntax of the label declaration and use);

— the tags of structures, unions, and enumerations (disambiguated by following any32) of the keywords struct, union, or enum);

— the members of structures or unions; each structure or union has a separate name space for its members (disambiguated by the type of the expression used to access the member via the . or -> operator);

— all other identifiers, called ordinary identifiers (declared in ordinary declarators or as enumeration constants).
