
Linear Programming: Modulo constraint

我正在使用 Coin-Or 的 rehearse 来实现线性规划。

我需要模数约束。示例:x 应为 3.

OsiCbcSolverInterface solver;
CelModel model(solver);
CelNumVar x;
CelIntVar z;

unsigned int mod = 3;

// Maximize



model.addConstraint(x <= 7.5);

// The modulo constraint:

model.addConstraint(x == z * mod);


如何强制 z 为整数?

我从未使用过该库,但我认为您应该遵循 tests


If you want some of your variables to be integers, use CelIntVar instead of CelNumVar. You must bind the solver to an Integer Linear Programming solver as well, for example Coin-cbc.

查看Rehearse/tests/testRehearse.cpp -> exemple4()(此处提供:不完整的代码;没有复制粘贴):

OsiClpSolverInterface *solver = new OsiClpSolverInterface();

CelModel model(*solver);

CelIntVar x1("x1");
solver->initialSolve();       // this is the relaxation (and maybe presolving)!
CbcModel cbcModel(*solver);   // MIP-solver
cbcModel.branchAndBound();    // Use MIP-solver

printf("Solution for x1 : %g\n", model.getSolutionValue(x1, *cbcModel.solver()));
printf("Solution objvalue = : %g\n", cbcModel.solver()->getObjValue());

这种用法(使用 Osi 获取 LP-solver;在 Osi 提供的 LP-solver 之上构建 MIP-solver 并调用 brandAndBound)基本上遵循 Cbc 的内部接口(python' s cylp 这看起来很相似)。


的官方CoinOR Cbc (无需排练)示例
// Copyright (C) 2005, International Business Machines
// Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.

#include "CbcModel.hpp"

// Using CLP as the solver
#include "OsiClpSolverInterface.hpp"

int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
  OsiClpSolverInterface solver1;

  // Read in example model in MPS file format
  // and assert that it is a clean model
  int numMpsReadErrors = solver1.readMps("../../Mps/Sample/p0033.mps","");

  // Pass the solver with the problem to be solved to CbcModel 
  CbcModel model(solver1);

  // Do complete search

  /* Print the solution.  CbcModel clones the solver so we
     need to get current copy from the CbcModel */
  int numberColumns = model.solver()->getNumCols();

  const double * solution = model.bestSolution();

  for (int iColumn=0;iColumn<numberColumns;iColumn++) {
    double value=solution[iColumn];
    if (fabs(value)>1.0e-7&&model.solver()->isInteger(iColumn)) 
      printf("%d has value %g\n",iColumn,value);
  return 0;