发送 TCP 数据包

Sending TCP Packet

我正在尝试向 Tattile 交通摄像头发送数据包。
Tattile 摄像头使用自己的 TCP 数据包协议,称为 TOP(Tattile 对象协议)


创建TOP Header

24 bytes are required I believe.

Here is the command header, from the image above, the Header Dimension part, is this asking for the TOP Header that required 24 bytes?

Here is the Header Constructor which I dont understand why it is there is there is already a Command Header with the same information from what I can see.

Here is an example on building a message, so for the command code at this stage until I get a better understanding, all I want to do is send data, not receive, so with that being said

这里是Start Engine命令代码。

这是我的代码明智的,到目前为止它连接并且 "sends the message" 但是引擎没有启动,至于 enum 将来当我更好地理解时,我应该添加更多带有命令代码的命令。

class Command
    public enum Codes

    private static readonly byte[] HeaderDimension = new byte[24];
    private static byte[] CommandCode;
    private static readonly byte[] Sender = new byte[4] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF };
    private static readonly byte[] Receiver = Sender;
    private static readonly byte[] Error = new byte[] { 0 };
    private static readonly byte[] DataDimension = new byte[] {0};

    public static void Execute(Codes code)
        if (code == Codes.START_ENGINE)
            CommandCode = new byte[4]{ 0x35, 0x0, 0x0, 0x4};

        using (TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient("", 31000))
            NetworkStream networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream();

            byte[] bytesTosend = HeaderDimension.Concat(CommandCode)

            networkStream.Write(bytesTosend, 0, bytesTosend.Length);


static void Main()

您的 HeaderDimension 应该是 包含 值 24 的 4 字节数组,而不是 24 字节数组。

此外,ErrorDataDimension 的长度应始终为 4 个字节。

header总共有24个字节,包含6 x 4字节的值。前 4 个字节包含长度,为 24 (0x18)。在 C# 中,这些是 Int32 数据类型,但请记住字节顺序是什么。网络协议通常具有网络字节顺序(大印度),这可能与您的 C# 不同。使用 System.BitConverter class 进行测试并根据需要进行更改。