带有 sqlite3 和 webpack 的电子打包器

electron-packager with sqlite3 and webpack

我正在制作一个 gets/stores 数据使用 sqlite3 的小型应用程序。

开发阶段一切正常。但是当我使用 electron-packager 打包我的应用程序时,sqlite3 不再起作用了。



return {
        target: 'electron-renderer',
        mode: argv.production ? 'production' : 'development',
        context: paths.root,
        devtool: !argv.production ? 'source-map' : false,
        entry: {
            'app': path.resolve(paths.app, 'app.js')
        optimization: {
            runtimeChunk: false,
            splitChunks: {
                chunks: 'all',
                cacheGroups: {
                    default: {
                        enforce: true,
                        priority: 1
                    vendors: {
                        test: /[\/]node_modules[\/]/,
                        priority: 2,
                        name: 'vendors',
                        enforce: true,
                        chunks: 'async'
        module: {
            rules: require('./rule')(paths, argv).get()
        plugins: require('./plugin')(paths, argv).get(),
        output: {
            path: paths.dist,
            filename: 'app.bundled.js'
        resolve: {
            // Add `.ts` and `.tsx` as a resolvable extension.
            extensions: [".ts", ".tsx", ".js"],
            alias: {
                // summernote: codemirror
                'CodeMirror': 'codemirror',
        watch: !argv.production,
        watchOptions: {
            poll: false
        externals: {
            sqlite3: 'commonjs sqlite3'

这是属于渲染器进程的文件,我在其中包含 sqlite3:

const typeorm = require('typeorm');
const EntitySchema = typeorm.EntitySchema;
const path = require('path');
const electron = require('electron');

module.exports = (ngModule) => {
    ngModule.service('$db', (toastr) => {

        //#region Properties

        // Instance of database connection
        let dbConnection = null;


        let out = {

            //#region Methods
                if (dbConnection == null || forceReinitialize) {
                    // Build a absolute path to database.
                    const appPath = electron.remote.app.getAppPath();
                    const dbPath = path.join(appPath, 'assets/db/PersonalCv.db');
                    return typeorm
                            type: "sqlite",
                            database: dbPath,
                            synchronize: false,
                            entities: [
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/user')),
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/user-decription')),
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/skill-category')),
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/skill')),
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/personal-skill')),
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/project')),
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/project-skill')),
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/project-responsibility')),
                                new EntitySchema(require('../models/entities/responsibility'))
                        .then((connection) => {
                            dbConnection = connection;
                            return dbConnection;
                        .catch((error) => {
                            throw error;

                return new Promise(resolve => {

            * Get repository by using name (table name)
            * */
            getRepository: (name) => {
                return out
                    .then((connection) => {
                        return connection.getRepository(name);


        return out;




sqlite3是依赖于系统架构的原生模块。 Electron-packager 不会做任何特别的事情来帮助你编译原生模块。

所以你可以使用像 https://github.com/kripken/sql.js/

这样的纯 JS SQLite 包

或者试试 electron-builder : https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder 它有一个 "postinstall" 脚本。


在完成 electron-packagerelectron-builder 的一些问答之后。我找到了一种使 sqlite3webpack 一起工作的解决方案。

webpack.config.js 中,我添加了:

externals: {
    sqlite3: 'commonjs sqlite3'

而不是 electron-packager,我使用 electron-builder 来构建我的应用程序。在 build 配置中,我将 sqlite3 模块复制到 dist 文件夹。