Highcharts 股票 - 仅缩放烛台系列

Highcharts stocks - Scale candlesticks serie only


在 Tradingview 网站上 this option 是:

Scale Series Only

This option is for when there are studies or indicators overlaid onto the main chart window. When this option is active, the axis will scale according to the data series (price) alone. The values and coordinates of any active indicators will not be factored into the scaling of the axis.


Highcharts.stockChart('chart-container', {
   series: [
               type: 'candlestick',
               data: data.ohlc,
               data: data.otherLine,

是否可以用 highchart 做到这一点?

Highstock 不提供 属性 自动完成的功能。

可以手动完成:找到数据中的最低和最高 y 值并将它们分配给 yAxis.minyAxis.max 选项:

yAxis: {
  min: 380,
  max: 600

现场演示: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/puzxykva/

API: https://api.highcharts.com/highstock/