所有 HL7 段结构 table headers 是什么意思?

What do all of the HL7 segment structure table headers mean?

例如,OBR 段引用 table from here 具有以下 headers:



  • LENGTH looks fairly straightforward too: It's the length of the data. But some of them are 0?


  • What does OPT mean? In this column, I've seen things like: O, R, RE, C, B, X, W


R = Required  
RE = Required but may be empty  
O = Optional  
C = Conditional  
X = Not Supported  
B = Backward Compatibility  
W = Withdrawn


  • What does RPT/# mean? In this column, I've seen things like: *, 1, 2


1 = Only one value  
2 = Maximum two values  
* = Not Defined/Multiple
  • What does TBL# mean? In this column, I've seen things like: 0065, 0074, 9999

这些是 table 个数字,应参考有关该字段的更多信息。因此,在您的示例中,对于 OBR.11 字段,链接 table 是 0065,它列出了该字段的可能值:

A = Add ordered tests to the existing specimen  
G = Generated order; reflex order  
L = Lab to obtain specimen from patient  
O = Specimen obtained by service other than Lab  
P = Pending specimen; Order sent prior to delivery  
R = Revised order  
S = Schedule the tests specified below