Ruby Kafka 未捕获异常:找不到组协调器

Ruby Kafka Uncaught exception: Failed to find group coordinator

我使用 Apache Kafka 作为 Docker 容器

我能够使用 Spring Kafka 从我的 Java 应用程序成功连接到 Kafka。

但是当我尝试通过 Ruby Kafka 从 Ruby 应用程序连接到 Kafka 时,我收到以下错误:

Uncaught exception: Failed to find group coordinator

Java 和 Ruby 应用程序之间的唯一区别是 Ruby 应用程序位于我本地网络中的另一台机器上,但我可以从 Ruby 机器和那里的所有端口。



I, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.513848 #62261]  INFO -- : New topics added to target list: post.sent
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.514036 #62261]  INFO -- : Fetching cluster metadata from kafka://
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.514262 #62261] DEBUG -- : Opening connection to with client id test...
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.518350 #62261] DEBUG -- : Sending topic_metadata API request 1 to
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.519336 #62261] DEBUG -- : Waiting for response 1 from
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.530220 #62261] DEBUG -- : Received response 1 from
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.530351 #62261]  INFO -- : Discovered cluster metadata; nodes: (node_id=1001)
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.530439 #62261] DEBUG -- : Closing socket to
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.530682 #62261]  INFO -- : Joining group `my_group`
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.530812 #62261] DEBUG -- : Getting group coordinator for `my_group`
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.531019 #62261] DEBUG -- : Opening connection to with client id test...
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.616368 #62261] DEBUG -- : Handling fetcher command: subscribe
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.616797 #62261]  INFO -- : Will fetch at most 1048576 bytes at a time per partition from post.sent
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.617262 #62261] DEBUG -- : Handling fetcher command: configure
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.617462 #62261] DEBUG -- : Handling fetcher command: start
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.617599 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.618108 #62261]  INFO -- : Fetching cluster metadata from kafka://
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.619053 #62261] DEBUG -- : Opening connection to with client id test...
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.624053 #62261] DEBUG -- : Sending topic_metadata API request 1 to
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.625459 #62261] DEBUG -- : Waiting for response 1 from
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.635283 #62261] DEBUG -- : Received response 1 from
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.635468 #62261]  INFO -- : Discovered cluster metadata; nodes: (node_id=1001)
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.635596 #62261] DEBUG -- : Closing socket to
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:49.635853 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:50.637187 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:50.637804 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:51.642172 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:51.642471 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:52.645354 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:52.645640 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:53.647833 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:53.648259 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:54.650357 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:54.650647 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:55.652582 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:55.653477 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:56.657937 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:56.659627 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:57.664130 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:57.664861 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:58.666290 #62261] DEBUG -- : Fetching batches
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:58.666620 #62261]  INFO -- : There are no partitions to fetch from, sleeping for 1s
E, [2018-06-25T10:06:59.534809 #62261] ERROR -- : Timed out while trying to connect to Operation timed out
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:59.535083 #62261] DEBUG -- : Closing socket to
E, [2018-06-25T10:06:59.535342 #62261] ERROR -- : Failed to get group coordinator info from (node_id=1001): Operation timed out
I, [2018-06-25T10:06:59.535567 #62261]  INFO -- : Leaving group `my_group`
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:59.535709 #62261] DEBUG -- : Getting group coordinator for `my_group`
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:59.535875 #62261] DEBUG -- : Opening connection to with client id test...
D, [2018-06-25T10:06:59.666983 #62261] DEBUG -- : Handling fetcher command: stop
E, [2018-06-25T10:07:09.540409 #62261] ERROR -- : Timed out while trying to connect to Operation timed out
D, [2018-06-25T10:07:09.540833 #62261] DEBUG -- : Closing socket to
E, [2018-06-25T10:07:09.541172 #62261] ERROR -- : Failed to get group coordinator info from (node_id=1001): Operation timed out
Uncaught exception: Failed to find group coordinator

您的经纪人返回 Group Coordinator Not Available 错误。 在正常情况下,这应该是您的 kafka 集群配置协调器节点时的临时情况。 不幸的是,在你的情况下,你的集群中的某些东西没有正常运行并且没有分配协调器。


您可能会发现张贴的解决方案很有用 here,我引用它:

When using bootstrap-server parameter, the connection is through the Brokers instead of Zookeeper. The Brokers use __consumer_offsets to store information about committed offsets for each topic:partition per group of consumers (groupID). In this case, __consumer_offsets was pointing to invalid Broker IDs. Hence, the above the exception was displayed. To check if the Broker IDs are correct for this topic, execute the following command: --describe --zookeeper <zkHost:zkPort> --topic __consumer_offsets

Then, compare with the Brokers registered in the Zookeeper using the following command: -server <zkHost:zkPort>

After connecting to Zookeeper, check the Brokers IDs using the following command:

[zk: server1.openstacklocal:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls /brokers/ids

If Broker IDs do not match, then proceed with the solution of this article.


To resolve this issue, do the following:

Connect to Zookeeper using the following command: -server <zkHost:zkPort>

Remove __consumer_offset using the following command:

 znode rmr /brokers/topics/__consumer_offset

Restart the Brokers.

旁注:当 zookeeper 仍在启动时,有时会发生此问题。