我可以从 Java 模块中排除导出的包吗?

Can I exclude an exported package from a Java module?

Modules jta and java.sql export package javax.transaction.xa to module dom4j

如您所见,模块 jtajava.sql 都导出相同的包 javax.transaction.xa。但是,jta 中的包有 类 我需要的 java.sql 中没有的包。我根本不需要 java.sql 模块,但我需要 java.sql.SQLException.

是否可以阻止 java.sql 导出 javax.transaction.xa

JTA GitHub reads the following in confirmation to what @Alan already pointed out in a -

This standalone release of Java(TM) Java Transaction API (JTA), uses a Java Platform Module System "automatic" module name of java.transaction, to match the module name used in JDK 9. A future version will include full module metadata. Moreover javax.transaction.xa package is now owned by Java SE.

您可以使用 Maven 的版本(例如)使用:-


这是release notes for JTA1.3MR.

此外 JEP 320: Remove the Java EE and CORBA Modules 详细阐述了相同的 -

... The javax.transaction.xa package supports XA transactions in JDBC. This "XA package" is co-located with JDBC in the java.sql module in Java SE 9. Because the java.sql module is not upgradeable, it is not possible for a standalone version of JTA to override the Java SE version of the XA package


...For ease of maintenance, the XA package in Java SE may be moved to a different non-upgradeable module in the future, but as an architectural matter it will remain in Java SE alongside JDBC for the long term...


In early 2018, JTA 1.3 will be defined to consist of just the CORBA interop package; the JAR file will be updated accordingly.

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