Lisp - 如何在另一个函数中调用一个函数?

Lisp - How to call a function within another function?


(defun c:Add ()
    (setq a (getint "Enter a number to add 2 to it"))
    (setq a (+ a 2))

在这个 LOOPER 函数中:

(defun LOOPER (func)
    ;repeats 'func' until user enters 'no'
    (setq dummy "w")
    (while dummy
        (func) ;this is obviously the problem
        (setq order (getstring "\nContinue? (Y or N):"))
        (if (or (= order "N") (= order "n")) (setq dummy nil))


(defun c:Adder ()
    (LOOPER (c:Add))

如何解决 funcLOOPER 函数中未定义的事实?


我的机器上没有安装 Autocad,因此无法测试此代码。但如果有任何小错误,您可以删除或抓住概念,以便您可以自己实现。

(defun c:Add ()
    (setq a (getint "Enter a number to add 2 to it"))
    (setq a (+ a 2))

(defun c:sub ()
    (setq a (getint "Enter a number to substract from 2:"))
    (setq a (-2 a))

(defun c:mul ()
    (setq a (getint "Enter a number to multiply with 2:"))
    (setq a (* a 2))

;----This function use to call other function from function name
;----Function name string is case sensitive
;----As per need you can Add function name to this function
(Defun callFunction(name)
(setq output nil)
;here you can add nested if condition but for simplicity I use If alone
(if (= name "C:Add")(setq output (C:Add)))
(if (= name "C:sub")(setq output (C:sub)))
(if (= name "C:mul")(setq output (C:mub)))

;----------Function end here

(defun LOOPER (func)
    ;repeats 'func' until user enters 'no'
    (setq dummy "w")
    (while dummy
        (callFunction func) ;Change here
        (setq order (getstring "\nContinue? (Y or N):"))
        (if (or (= order "N") (= order "n")) (setq dummy nil))


(defun c:Adder ()
    (LOOPER ("c:Add"))

(defun c:substaker ()
    (LOOPER ("c:sub"))

(defun c:multiplyer ()
    (LOOPER ("c:mul"))



(defun c:add ( / a )
    (if (setq a (getint "\nEnter a number to add 2 to it: "))
        (+ a 2)

(defun looper ( func )
            (initget "Y N")
            (/= "N" (getkword "\nContinue? [Y/N] <Y>: "))

(defun c:adder ( )
    (looper c:add)

这里,符号 c:add 被求值以产生指向函数定义的指针,然后它被绑定到 looper 函数范围内的符号 func。因此,在 looper 函数的范围内,符号 funcc:add 计算相同的函数。

或者,您可以将符号 c:add 作为带引号的符号传递,在这种情况下,符号 func 的值是符号 c:add,然后可以计算为产生函数:

(defun c:add ( / a )
    (if (setq a (getint "\nEnter a number to add 2 to it: "))
        (+ a 2)

(defun looper ( func )
            (initget "Y N")
            (/= "N" (getkword "\nContinue? [Y/N] <Y>: "))
        ((eval func))

(defun c:adder ( )
    (looper 'c:add)

将带引号的符号作为函数参数传递更符合标准 AutoLISP 函数,例如 mapcarapply 等。