函数上的自定义 EventArgs 消息框不显示来自发件人 class 的 属性

Custom EventArgs Messagebox on Function does not show property from sender class

我有一个 class 有两个属性:weight 和 Id。我想在设置称重时触发一个事件。要触发的事件是一个显示 Id 属性 的消息框。显示了消息框,但它不包含 ID 属性。

完整代码如下: https://pastebin.com/zpHn48gL

public class MyClass
    //Custom type Event declaration
    public event EventHandler<Mas4TEventArgs> Info;
    decimal _weigh;
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public decimal Weigh
        get { return this._weigh; }
        set                         //When this property is changed, invoke Info Event, passing Id property to be shown on messagebox.
            this._weigh= value;
            Info?.Invoke(this, new Mas4TEventArgs(this.Id));                

public class Mas4TEventArgs : EventArgs
    public Mas4TEventArgs(string pId) { IdArgu = pId; }        
    //property IdArgu                                          
    public string IdArgu { get; set; }

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        MyClass C = new MyClass();
        C.Info += C_Info;                                 

        //Function to be triggered by the event
        void C_Info(object sendr, Mas4TEventArgs ev)
            {      //ev.IdArgu doesn't show on the messagebox.                                         
                MessageBox.Show("Evento consumido. " + " Id: " + ev.IdArgu);
            catch (Exception) { }

        C.Weigh = Convert.ToDecimal(textBox1.Text);
        C.Id = TxtId.Text;
        //just to check the two properties have been parsed correctly.This works as intended.
        MessageBox.Show("Ingresado: Peso: " + C.Peso.ToString() + " Id: " + C.Id);

或者,如果您喜欢这样: https://lpaste.net/3710707699130826752


C.Weigh = Convert.ToDecimal(textBox1.Text);
C.Id = TxtId.Text;

请注意 Id Weigh 之后设置。因此,在设置 Weigh 值时,它将引发一个事件,其中包含 Id 中的任何内容,然后再在下一行设置 Id

交换两行,以便首先设置 Id,您的代码将按预期运行。