如何将累加器 [霍夫变换] 的值转换回 canvas 上的一行?
How do I transform the values of an accumulator [Hough Transformation] back to a line on a canvas?
from math import hypot, pi, cos, sin
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import math
def hough(img):
thetaAxisSize = 460 #Width of the hough space image
rAxisSize = 360 #Height of the hough space image
rAxisSize= int(rAxisSize/2)*2 #we make sure that this number is even
img = im.load()
w, h = im.size
houghed_img = Image.new("L", (thetaAxisSize, rAxisSize), 0) #legt Bildgroesse fest
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
d_theta = pi / thetaAxisSize
d_rho = max_radius / (rAxisSize/2)
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 255
col = img[x, y]
if col >= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_imgcode here
im = Image.open("img3.pgm").convert("L")
houghed_img = hough(im)
那么问题来了。我知道想在 hough space 中找到前 3 个最高值并将其转换回 3 行。最高值应该是最强的线。
因此,我首先在像素阵列中寻找最大值,然后取我找到的最大值的 X 和 Y 值。根据我的理解,这个 X 和 Y 值是我的 rho 和 theta。我找到这样的最大值:
def find_maxima(houghed_img):
w, h = houghed_img.size
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max1, max2, max3 = 0, 0, 0
x1position, x2position, x3position = 0, 0, 0
y1position, y2position, y3position = 0, 0, 0
rho1, rho2, rho3 = 0, 0, 0
theta1, theta2, theta3 = 0, 0, 0
for x in range(1, w):
for y in range(1, h):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = x
theta1 = y
elif(value > max2):
max2 = value
x2position = x
x3position = y
rho2 = x
theta2 = y
elif(value > max3):
max3 = value
x3position = x
y3position = y
rho3 = x
theta3 = y
print('max', max1, max2, max3)
print('rho', rho1, rho2, rho3)
print('theta', theta1, theta2, theta3)
# Results of the print:
# ('max', 255, 255, 255)
# ('rho', 1, 1, 1)
# ('theta', 183, 184, 186)
return rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2, rho3, theta3
现在我想使用这个 rho 和 theta 值来绘制检测到的线。我正在使用以下代码执行此操作:
img_copy = np.ones(im.size)
rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2, rho3, theta3 = find_maxima(houghed_img)
a1 = math.cos(theta1)
b1 = math.sin(theta1)
x01 = a1 * rho1
y01 = b1 * rho1
pt11 = (int(x01 + 1000*(-b1)), int(y01 + 1000*(a1)))
pt21 = (int(x01 - 1000*(-b1)), int(y01 - 1000*(a1)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt11, pt21, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
a2 = math.cos(theta2)
b2 = math.sin(theta2)
x02 = a2 * rho2
y02 = b2 * rho2
pt12 = (int(x02 + 1000*(-b2)), int(y02 + 1000*(a2)))
pt22 = (int(x02 - 1000*(-b2)), int(y02 - 1000*(a2)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt12, pt22, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
a3 = math.cos(theta3)
b3 = math.sin(theta3)
x03 = a3 * rho3
y03 = b3 * rho3
pt13 = (int(x03 + 1000*(-b3)), int(y03 + 1000*(a3)))
pt23 = (int(x03 - 1000*(-b3)), int(y03 - 1000*(a3)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt13, pt23, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
cv.imshow('lines', img_copy)
So my assuption is that I either do something wrong when I declare the rho and theta values in the find_maxima() function, meaning that something is wrong with this:
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = x
theta1 = y
OR that I am doing something wrong when translating the rho and theta value back to a line.
感谢@Alessandro Jacopson 和@Cris Luegno 的投入,我能够做出一些改变,这无疑给了我一些希望!
在我的 def hough(img) 中:我将阈值设置为 255,这意味着我只投票给白色像素,这是错误的,因为我想查看黑色像素,因为这些像素将指示线条而不是我图像的白色背景。所以 def hough(img): 中累加器的计算现在看起来像这样:
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 0
col = img[x, y]
if col <= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_img
当使用 find_maxima() 函数时,这会导致以下累加器以及以下 rho 和 thea 值:
# Results of the prints: (now top 8 instead of top 3)
# ('max', 155, 144, 142, 119, 119, 104, 103, 98)
# ('rho', 120, 264, 157, 121, 119, 198, 197, 197)
# ('theta', 416, 31, 458, 414, 417, 288, 291, 292)
So this results are much more better but something seems to be still wrong. I have a strong suspicion that still something is wrong here:
for x in range(1, w):
for y in range(1, h):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = value
theta1 = x
这里我设置rho和theta分别等于[0...w] [0...h]。我认为这是错误的,因为在 X 的 hough space 值中以及为什么 Y 不是 0、1、2、3... 因为我们在另一个 space 中。所以我假设,我必须将 X 和 Y 乘以某种东西才能将它们带回 hough space。但这只是一个假设,也许你们可以想出别的办法?
再次非常感谢 Alessandro 和 Cris 在这里帮助我!
Edit3: Working Code, thanks to @Cris Luengo
from math import hypot, pi, cos, sin
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import math
def hough(img):
img = im.load()
w, h = im.size
thetaAxisSize = w #Width of the hough space image
rAxisSize = h #Height of the hough space image
rAxisSize= int(rAxisSize/2)*2 #we make sure that this number is even
houghed_img = Image.new("L", (thetaAxisSize, rAxisSize), 0) #legt Bildgroesse fest
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
d_theta = pi / thetaAxisSize
d_rho = max_radius / (rAxisSize/2)
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 0
col = img[x, y]
if col <= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta
def find_maxima(houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta):
w, h = houghed_img.size
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
maxNumbers = 9
ignoreRadius = 10
maxima = [0] * maxNumbers
rhos = [0] * maxNumbers
thetas = [0] * maxNumbers
for u in range(0, maxNumbers):
print('u:', u)
value = 0
xposition = 0
yposition = 0
#find maxima in the image
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
if(pixel_houghed_img[x,y] > value):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
xposition = x
yposition = y
#Save Maxima, rhos and thetas
maxima[u] = value
rhos[u] = (yposition - rAxisSize/2) * d_rho
thetas[u] = xposition * d_theta
pixel_houghed_img[xposition, yposition] = 0
#Delete the values around the found maxima
radius = ignoreRadius
for vx2 in range (-radius, radius): #checks the values around the center
for vy2 in range (-radius, radius): #checks the values around the center
x2 = xposition + vx2 #sets the spectated position on the shifted value
y2 = yposition + vy2
if not(x2 < 0 or x2 >= w):
if not(y2 < 0 or y2 >= h):
pixel_houghed_img[x2, y2] = 0
print(pixel_houghed_img[x2, y2])
print('max', maxima)
print('rho', rhos)
print('theta', thetas)
return maxima, rhos, thetas
im = Image.open("img5.pgm").convert("L")
houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta = hough(im)
img_copy = np.ones(im.size)
maxima, rhos, thetas = find_maxima(houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta)
for t in range(0, len(maxima)):
a = math.cos(thetas[t])
b = math.sin(thetas[t])
x = a * rhos[t]
y = b * rhos[t]
pt1 = (int(x + 1000*(-b)), int(y + 1000*(a)))
pt2 = (int(x - 1000*(-b)), int(y - 1000*(a)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt1, pt2, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
cv.imshow('lines', img_copy)
首先,在 How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example 之后,您应该 post 或给您的图片 link 一个 img3.pgm
# Results of the print:
# ('max', 255, 255, 255)
# ('rho', 1, 1, 1)
# ('theta', 183, 184, 186)
所以 rho
对于三行是相同的,而 theta
在 183 和 186 之间变化不大;所以这三条线几乎彼此相等,这个事实并不取决于你用来获得线方程并绘制它的方法。
根据教程 Hough Line Transform 在我看来,您在一条线上找到两点的方法是正确的。这就是本教程的建议,在我看来它等同于您的代码:
lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges,1,np.pi/180,200)
for rho,theta in lines[0]:
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a*rho
y0 = b*rho
x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))
x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))
为了简单起见,看看在一维中发生了什么,峰值查找算法预计会在 x=-1
和 x=1
处找到三个峰值位置,峰值值应接近 .25、.5 和 1。
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1000)
y = np.exp(-(x-1)**2/0.01)+.5*np.exp(-(x)**2/0.01)+.25*np.exp(-(x+1)**2/0.01)
max1, max2, max3 = 0, 0, 0
m1 = np.zeros(1000)
m2 = np.zeros(1000)
m3 = np.zeros(1000)
x1position, x2position, x3position = 0, 0, 0
for i in range(0,1000):
value = y[i]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x[i]
elif(value > max2):
max2 = value
x2position = x[i]
elif(value > max3):
max3 = value
x3position = x[i]
m1[i] = max1
m2[i] = max2
m3[i] = max3
print('xposition',x1position, x2position, x3position )
print('max', max1, max2, max3)
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, m1)
plt.plot(x, m2)
plt.plot(x, m3)
('xposition', 0.99899899899899891, 1.0030030030030028, 1.0070070070070072)
('max', 0.99989980471948192, 0.99909860379824966, 0.99510221871862647)
要检测 2D 场中的多个峰值,您应该看看这个 Peak detection in a 2D array
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = value
theta1 = x
。将 rho
设置为等于该值是没有意义的。我也不知道你为什么存储 x1position
和 y1position
接下来,您需要将这些坐标转换回实际的 rho 和 theta 值,反转您在编写时所做的转换:
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
rho = (y - rAxisSize/2) * d_rho
theta = x * d_theta
from math import hypot, pi, cos, sin
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import math
def hough(img):
thetaAxisSize = 460 #Width of the hough space image
rAxisSize = 360 #Height of the hough space image
rAxisSize= int(rAxisSize/2)*2 #we make sure that this number is even
img = im.load()
w, h = im.size
houghed_img = Image.new("L", (thetaAxisSize, rAxisSize), 0) #legt Bildgroesse fest
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
d_theta = pi / thetaAxisSize
d_rho = max_radius / (rAxisSize/2)
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 255
col = img[x, y]
if col >= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_imgcode here
im = Image.open("img3.pgm").convert("L")
houghed_img = hough(im)
那么问题来了。我知道想在 hough space 中找到前 3 个最高值并将其转换回 3 行。最高值应该是最强的线。
因此,我首先在像素阵列中寻找最大值,然后取我找到的最大值的 X 和 Y 值。根据我的理解,这个 X 和 Y 值是我的 rho 和 theta。我找到这样的最大值:
def find_maxima(houghed_img):
w, h = houghed_img.size
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max1, max2, max3 = 0, 0, 0
x1position, x2position, x3position = 0, 0, 0
y1position, y2position, y3position = 0, 0, 0
rho1, rho2, rho3 = 0, 0, 0
theta1, theta2, theta3 = 0, 0, 0
for x in range(1, w):
for y in range(1, h):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = x
theta1 = y
elif(value > max2):
max2 = value
x2position = x
x3position = y
rho2 = x
theta2 = y
elif(value > max3):
max3 = value
x3position = x
y3position = y
rho3 = x
theta3 = y
print('max', max1, max2, max3)
print('rho', rho1, rho2, rho3)
print('theta', theta1, theta2, theta3)
# Results of the print:
# ('max', 255, 255, 255)
# ('rho', 1, 1, 1)
# ('theta', 183, 184, 186)
return rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2, rho3, theta3
现在我想使用这个 rho 和 theta 值来绘制检测到的线。我正在使用以下代码执行此操作:
img_copy = np.ones(im.size)
rho1, theta1, rho2, theta2, rho3, theta3 = find_maxima(houghed_img)
a1 = math.cos(theta1)
b1 = math.sin(theta1)
x01 = a1 * rho1
y01 = b1 * rho1
pt11 = (int(x01 + 1000*(-b1)), int(y01 + 1000*(a1)))
pt21 = (int(x01 - 1000*(-b1)), int(y01 - 1000*(a1)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt11, pt21, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
a2 = math.cos(theta2)
b2 = math.sin(theta2)
x02 = a2 * rho2
y02 = b2 * rho2
pt12 = (int(x02 + 1000*(-b2)), int(y02 + 1000*(a2)))
pt22 = (int(x02 - 1000*(-b2)), int(y02 - 1000*(a2)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt12, pt22, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
a3 = math.cos(theta3)
b3 = math.sin(theta3)
x03 = a3 * rho3
y03 = b3 * rho3
pt13 = (int(x03 + 1000*(-b3)), int(y03 + 1000*(a3)))
pt23 = (int(x03 - 1000*(-b3)), int(y03 - 1000*(a3)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt13, pt23, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
cv.imshow('lines', img_copy)
So my assuption is that I either do something wrong when I declare the rho and theta values in the find_maxima() function, meaning that something is wrong with this:
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = x
theta1 = y
OR that I am doing something wrong when translating the rho and theta value back to a line.
编辑2: 感谢@Alessandro Jacopson 和@Cris Luegno 的投入,我能够做出一些改变,这无疑给了我一些希望!
在我的 def hough(img) 中:我将阈值设置为 255,这意味着我只投票给白色像素,这是错误的,因为我想查看黑色像素,因为这些像素将指示线条而不是我图像的白色背景。所以 def hough(img): 中累加器的计算现在看起来像这样:
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 0
col = img[x, y]
if col <= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_img
当使用 find_maxima() 函数时,这会导致以下累加器以及以下 rho 和 thea 值:
# Results of the prints: (now top 8 instead of top 3)
# ('max', 155, 144, 142, 119, 119, 104, 103, 98)
# ('rho', 120, 264, 157, 121, 119, 198, 197, 197)
# ('theta', 416, 31, 458, 414, 417, 288, 291, 292)
So this results are much more better but something seems to be still wrong. I have a strong suspicion that still something is wrong here:
for x in range(1, w):
for y in range(1, h):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x
y1position = y
rho1 = value
theta1 = x
这里我设置rho和theta分别等于[0...w] [0...h]。我认为这是错误的,因为在 X 的 hough space 值中以及为什么 Y 不是 0、1、2、3... 因为我们在另一个 space 中。所以我假设,我必须将 X 和 Y 乘以某种东西才能将它们带回 hough space。但这只是一个假设,也许你们可以想出别的办法?
再次非常感谢 Alessandro 和 Cris 在这里帮助我!
Edit3: Working Code, thanks to @Cris Luengo
from math import hypot, pi, cos, sin
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
import math
def hough(img):
img = im.load()
w, h = im.size
thetaAxisSize = w #Width of the hough space image
rAxisSize = h #Height of the hough space image
rAxisSize= int(rAxisSize/2)*2 #we make sure that this number is even
houghed_img = Image.new("L", (thetaAxisSize, rAxisSize), 0) #legt Bildgroesse fest
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
max_radius = hypot(w, h)
d_theta = pi / thetaAxisSize
d_rho = max_radius / (rAxisSize/2)
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
treshold = 0
col = img[x, y]
if col <= treshold: #determines for each pixel at (x,y) if there is enough evidence of a straight line at that pixel.
for vx in range(0, thetaAxisSize):
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point.
rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line
vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
pixel_houghed_img[vx, vy] += 1 #voting
return houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta
def find_maxima(houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta):
w, h = houghed_img.size
pixel_houghed_img = houghed_img.load()
maxNumbers = 9
ignoreRadius = 10
maxima = [0] * maxNumbers
rhos = [0] * maxNumbers
thetas = [0] * maxNumbers
for u in range(0, maxNumbers):
print('u:', u)
value = 0
xposition = 0
yposition = 0
#find maxima in the image
for x in range(0, w):
for y in range(0, h):
if(pixel_houghed_img[x,y] > value):
value = pixel_houghed_img[x, y]
xposition = x
yposition = y
#Save Maxima, rhos and thetas
maxima[u] = value
rhos[u] = (yposition - rAxisSize/2) * d_rho
thetas[u] = xposition * d_theta
pixel_houghed_img[xposition, yposition] = 0
#Delete the values around the found maxima
radius = ignoreRadius
for vx2 in range (-radius, radius): #checks the values around the center
for vy2 in range (-radius, radius): #checks the values around the center
x2 = xposition + vx2 #sets the spectated position on the shifted value
y2 = yposition + vy2
if not(x2 < 0 or x2 >= w):
if not(y2 < 0 or y2 >= h):
pixel_houghed_img[x2, y2] = 0
print(pixel_houghed_img[x2, y2])
print('max', maxima)
print('rho', rhos)
print('theta', thetas)
return maxima, rhos, thetas
im = Image.open("img5.pgm").convert("L")
houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta = hough(im)
img_copy = np.ones(im.size)
maxima, rhos, thetas = find_maxima(houghed_img, rAxisSize, d_rho, d_theta)
for t in range(0, len(maxima)):
a = math.cos(thetas[t])
b = math.sin(thetas[t])
x = a * rhos[t]
y = b * rhos[t]
pt1 = (int(x + 1000*(-b)), int(y + 1000*(a)))
pt2 = (int(x - 1000*(-b)), int(y - 1000*(a)))
cv.line(img_copy, pt1, pt2, (0,0,255), 3, cv.LINE_AA)
cv.imshow('lines', img_copy)
首先,在 How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example 之后,您应该 post 或给您的图片 link 一个 img3.pgm
# Results of the print:
# ('max', 255, 255, 255)
# ('rho', 1, 1, 1)
# ('theta', 183, 184, 186)
所以 rho
对于三行是相同的,而 theta
在 183 和 186 之间变化不大;所以这三条线几乎彼此相等,这个事实并不取决于你用来获得线方程并绘制它的方法。
根据教程 Hough Line Transform 在我看来,您在一条线上找到两点的方法是正确的。这就是本教程的建议,在我看来它等同于您的代码:
lines = cv2.HoughLines(edges,1,np.pi/180,200)
for rho,theta in lines[0]:
a = np.cos(theta)
b = np.sin(theta)
x0 = a*rho
y0 = b*rho
x1 = int(x0 + 1000*(-b))
y1 = int(y0 + 1000*(a))
x2 = int(x0 - 1000*(-b))
y2 = int(y0 - 1000*(a))
我怀疑寻峰算法可能不正确。 您的峰值查找算法会找到最大峰值的位置,然后找到非常接近该最大值的两个位置。
为了简单起见,看看在一维中发生了什么,峰值查找算法预计会在 x=-1
和 x=1
处找到三个峰值位置,峰值值应接近 .25、.5 和 1。
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1000)
y = np.exp(-(x-1)**2/0.01)+.5*np.exp(-(x)**2/0.01)+.25*np.exp(-(x+1)**2/0.01)
max1, max2, max3 = 0, 0, 0
m1 = np.zeros(1000)
m2 = np.zeros(1000)
m3 = np.zeros(1000)
x1position, x2position, x3position = 0, 0, 0
for i in range(0,1000):
value = y[i]
if(value > max1):
max1 = value
x1position = x[i]
elif(value > max2):
max2 = value
x2position = x[i]
elif(value > max3):
max3 = value
x3position = x[i]
m1[i] = max1
m2[i] = max2
m3[i] = max3
print('xposition',x1position, x2position, x3position )
print('max', max1, max2, max3)
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.plot(x, m1)
plt.plot(x, m2)
plt.plot(x, m3)
('xposition', 0.99899899899899891, 1.0030030030030028, 1.0070070070070072)
('max', 0.99989980471948192, 0.99909860379824966, 0.99510221871862647)
要检测 2D 场中的多个峰值,您应该看看这个 Peak detection in a 2D array
max1 = value x1position = x y1position = y rho1 = value theta1 = x
。将 rho
设置为等于该值是没有意义的。我也不知道你为什么存储 x1position
和 y1position
接下来,您需要将这些坐标转换回实际的 rho 和 theta 值,反转您在编写时所做的转换:
theta = d_theta * vx #angle between the x axis and the line connecting the origin with that closest point. rho = x*cos(theta) + y*sin(theta) #distance from the origin to the closest point on the straight line vy = rAxisSize/2 + int(rho/d_rho+0.5) #Berechne Y-Werte im hough space image
rho = (y - rAxisSize/2) * d_rho
theta = x * d_theta