Jenkins job dsl 配置服务器、节点、插件等
Jenkins job dsl to configure server,nodes, plugins, etc
我使用 Jenkinsfiles/multibranch 个管道。
我使用作业 dsl 来创建那些多分支管道。
但是 Jenkins master 本身的配置仍然是手动的。作业 dsl 是否也可以执行安装和配置插件、配置安全设置以及创建和配置节点设置等操作?
(目前)还没有可与 Job DSL 或 Jenkins Pipelines 相媲美的系统配置 Jenkinsfile
- jenkinsci/system-config-dsl-plugin - 实验性(看起来没有维护)插件
- JENKINS-31094 - "Proposal: Jenkins Configuration DSL"
- JEP-201 (Jenkins Enhancement Proposal) - Jenkins Configuration as Code
与此同时,您可以通过使用 Groovy post-initialization scripts support. Those Groovy scripts run after initialization so you can "converge" an instance if the scripts are written in such a way. The Groovy scripting feature is also leveraged by some of the existing configuration management tools, such as the Chef cookbook.
我使用 Jenkinsfiles/multibranch 个管道。
我使用作业 dsl 来创建那些多分支管道。
但是 Jenkins master 本身的配置仍然是手动的。作业 dsl 是否也可以执行安装和配置插件、配置安全设置以及创建和配置节点设置等操作?
(目前)还没有可与 Job DSL 或 Jenkins Pipelines 相媲美的系统配置 Jenkinsfile
- jenkinsci/system-config-dsl-plugin - 实验性(看起来没有维护)插件
- JENKINS-31094 - "Proposal: Jenkins Configuration DSL"
- JEP-201 (Jenkins Enhancement Proposal) - Jenkins Configuration as Code
与此同时,您可以通过使用 Groovy post-initialization scripts support. Those Groovy scripts run after initialization so you can "converge" an instance if the scripts are written in such a way. The Groovy scripting feature is also leveraged by some of the existing configuration management tools, such as the Chef cookbook.