
All possible sublists scheme


(a b c d) => (((a) (b c d)) ((a b) (c d)) ((a b c) (d)) ((a) (b c) (d)) ((a b c d)) ((a) (b) (c) (d)))




(define split-list-help
  (lambda (l h a)
      (display a)
       (null? (cdr l))
       (list (cons (cons (car l) a) h))
       [(a-nosplit (cons (car l) a))
        (h-split (if (null? a)
             (cons (list (car l)) h)
             (cons (list (car l)) (cons a h))))]
     (append  (split-list-help (cdr l) h-split '())
          (split-list-help (cdr l) h a-nosplit)))))))

(split-list-help '(a b c) '() '())


目标是找到一种使用递归来描述问题的自然方式。 为了找到 (a b c d) 的子列表,我们可以关注元素 a。 有四个不同的连续子列表包含 a:

(a)  (a b)  (a b c)  (a b c d)

在每种情况下,我们都需要找到剩余元素的子列表。 总而言之,结果必须是

combining (a)       with (sublists '(b c d))
combining (a b)     with (sublists   '(c d))
combining (a b c)   with (sublists     '(d))
combining (a b c d) with (sublists     ' ())


(sublists '(a b c d)) = (append (combine '(a)       (sublists '(b c d)))
                                (combine '(a b)     (sublists   '(c d)))
                                (combine '(a b c)   (sublists    '(d)))
                                (combine '(a b c d) (sublists     '())))

我们注意到我们已经描述了一个列表的四个元素的子列表 使用仅包含三个元素的子列表的递归调用。 基本情况 (sublists '()) 必须 return 空列表 '().

唯一剩下的问题是 combine 的作用。 让我们检查一下案例

(combine '(a) (sublists '(b c d)))

'(b c d) 的子列表是:

( ((b) (c) (d))
  ((b) (c d)  )
  ((b c) (d)  )
  ((b c d)    ) )

所以(combine '(a) (sublists '(b c d)))必须return

( ((a) (b) (c) (d))
  ((a) (b) (c d)  )
  ((a) (b c) (d)  )
  ((a) (b c d)    ) )

前置一个元素(列表'(a))在前面的操作 列表的缺点,所以我们可以同时使用 mapcons

(define (combine x xss)
  (map (lambda (xs) (cons x xs)) ; function that prepends x to a list xs

现在我们已经完成了拼图的所有部分。我会留下最后的定义 给你的子列表。

既然你提到了 miniKanren,这里是这个问题的 Prolog 解决方案:

splits(L, LS):-                % conde ...
  (   L  = []                  % L is empty list:
  ->  LS = []
  ;                            % OR
      A = [_ | _],             % A is non-empty,
      append(A, B, L),         % for each A, B such that A + B = L,
      splits(   B, BS),        %   for every splits BS of B,   
      LS = [ A |   BS]         %     prepend A to BS to get the splits of L

%%% in SWI Prolog:
?- splits([1,2,3,4], R).
R = [[1], [2], [3], [4]] ;
R = [[1], [2], [3, 4]] ;
R = [[1], [2, 3], [4]] ;
R = [[1], [2, 3, 4]] ;
R = [[1, 2], [3], [4]] ;
R = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] ;
R = [[1, 2, 3], [4]] ;
R = [[1, 2, 3, 4]] ;

翻译成 miniKanren 这会将 splitso 定义为带有 appendoconde 和对 splitso:

#lang racket
(require minikanren)

(define (splitso L LS)
   [(== L '()) (== LS '())]
   [(fresh (A B BS _H _T)
           (== A `(,_H . ,_T))
           (appendo A B L)
           (== LS `(,A . ,BS))    
           (splitso   B   BS))]))    

> (run* (R) (splitso '(1 2 3 4) R))
'(((1 2 3 4))
  ((1) (2 3 4))
  ((1 2) (3 4))
  ((1) (2) (3 4))
  ((1 2 3) (4))
  ((1) (2 3) (4))
  ((1 2) (3) (4))
  ((1) (2) (3) (4)))

我从 here 复制了 appendo

miniKanren 中的解决方案顺序不遵循谓词定义中的目标顺序(就像在 Prolog 中那样),因为 miniKanren 交错了子目标产生的结果以实现它所谓的 "fair scheduling".