
How can i go back to a specific game state?


所以我有一个游戏名称 Space XD: 其中

Game(main) class -> run()(gameloop)|-> render(gui) -> handler.render()(all Gameobjects render)         
                                   |-> tick() -> handler.tick()(all Gameobjects tick)

让我们想象一下玩家处于第 3 级的情况,在用户输入时我希望游戏状态与玩家处于第 2 级时相同,比如积分减少, 那个特定时刻的健康等..


 if(level == 3){
          this.game = previous_game; // i define previous_game = this.game; when level was 2. But nothing changed.  
           this.handler = handler; // same as up;
           this.HUD = HUD;// heads of display but nothing was changed except i saw a black screen i thing because the background is black(background is black) please help i dont see any answers of this.


您缺少将新替换值分配给 text 作为 text = text.replace('public', 'oranges');:

您可以进一步使用 code[i].innerHTML = text; 将初始 HTML 替换为 HTML。

window.onload = (function(){
   var code = document.getElementsByClassName('code');
   for( i=0 ; i < code.length ; i++ ){
      var text = code[i].innerHTML;
      text = text.replace('public', 'oranges');
      code[i].innerHTML = text;
<p class = "code"> public stasdfadtic void main sdfdsa </p>
<p class = "code"> public static void main </p>